Creating a More Enterprising, Trusted and Caring World: All Happening in Crypto Valley


I live in an enterprising and innovative city. There are smart people everywhere, and there are new technology businesses popping-up everywhere.

But do we have the ecosystem to create truly cutting edge companies? Are we providing the ecosystem for new companies to push forward new ideas and innovate at scale? Do we truly have governments, investors, and the public sector on-side to build amazing new technology companies?

Well, I believe, Crypto Valley in Switzerland has built a near perfect infrastructure for creating the next generation of disruptive companies. It is a place which is friendly to innovation, and welcomes those with great ideas from around the world. By disruption, I mean that they will challenge existing methods and thinking, and thrive while others with the same old technology will fail. These new companies will not build information systems using methods that were defined in the 1980s, but look to new trustworthy methods of creating new worlds, and which have trust embedded into every single binary digit.

As an academic, I believe in collaboration and knowledge. I see physical borders as something from the past, while governments of the world controlled their economies. Our new world is not quite physical anymore, it is virtual…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.