Does AI Lie?

AI Goes To Court on Telling Untruths (“lies”)


We are human, and, like it or not, we lie. Why? Because we might not want to admit to some truth, or where we might want to seem knowledgeable. It is a human attribute, and it defines us. Overall, our intelligence weighs up the cost and reward and makes a decision as to whether we should tell the truth or not. Ask a child about who eat a biscuit, and there’s a chance they will lie because they do not want the punishment or do not want to tell tales about their friend. And so, as we go through our lives, we all lie, and sometimes it gets us in trouble; sometimes, it saves us from punishment; and sometimes, it makes us look smart.

Overall, lying is a weakness of our character, but, at other times, it is our intelligence showing through and making good guesses. At the core of this is often trust, and where someone who lies too much becomes untrustworthy, and if someone lies about someone else for a malicious reason, they can taint their own character. One of the least liked human attributes is where someone lies about someone else. But what about machines, can…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.