Doing is Learning, and Learning is Doing: Some Cybersecurity Brain Food?


In this modern day, doing is learning and learning is doing. This is especially the case for Cybersecurity. The days of studying books of theory are quickly passing. We now often to learn new things is just to do them, and in the process of doing them, you learn. But, once you have learnt a bit, you go back and read the books … it’s re-enforcement learning. Problem solving will be one of the key attributes of the jobs of the future, and it is good to exercise your brain in learning new things, even though you might not know some of the core fundamentals.

I appreciate this can be seen as putting the cart before the horse, but the feedback you receive by following steps and getting a solution is worth a great deal in the learning process, and can — hopefully — trigger an interest that just book learning might not be able to achieve. For me CTFs (Capture The Flags) are great places to learn about new things, and should be integrated into the computer science curriculum as formal teaching methods.

Computer Science … is a doing thing, and it is most fun when you strive to get a solution, and it magically appears. Unfortunately our…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.