Don’t Mix Up SHA-1 Hashed Passwords with SHA-1 Signed Certificates


We really must get better at articulating technical risk. I read an article recently around a recent hack for SHA-1 hashed passwords, and where this was then linked to the SHA-1 signature on a digital certificate. The risk on these is not quite the same. For SHA-1 hashed passwords, the actual method of SHA-1 doesn’t really have an weaknesses, but people select passwords which can be guessed from a dictionary, or even from brute force. For example, Hashcat knows that you put an uppercase letter first, and the number at the end, and that you use a ‘0’ instread of an ‘O’. It thus tries lots of different permutations, and will often get the right one. And so we now use slower hashing methods — such as Bcrypt — to slow the whole thing down. The risk of cracking SHA-1 hashed password is thus HIGH.

But what about validating things have not changed? Well for that we can use a hash for, and check the hash against the content. Unfortunately there’s only a finite number of hashes, so it will be possible to come up with the same hash for different content. For MD5 we had 128 bits, and so has 2¹²⁸ different hashes. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take too long to create a collision, and where we have different content producing the same hash. Recently, though, Mat McHugh showed that he could produce the same hash signature for different images, using…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.