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For Cybersecurity Knowledge and Skills, Should You Go Long and Shallow, Or Narrow and Deep?


In Cybersecurity, you can go long and thin with your knowledge, and where you know lots about many areas, but your depth of knowledge is thin. But, your experienced adversaries (Eve and Mallory) could have a depth of knowledge which will defeat your knowledge. And, so, if you really want to be great at cybersecurity, it is often a good idea to go into depth and train your mind to understand the details of the methods that are used to implement things.

One way is to give yourself challenges to break, and as part of doing these challenges, you learn about bits and bytes, about the core methods, and in how to break them. While Eve is likely to find new ways to get around you, you should be in a good place for understanding how you can, at least, find out what she has done and, hopefully, overcome it. As — at its core — that is what cybersecurity is all about … solving new problems, and fixing them.

So, my advice is to pick a topic, and read everything that you can on it, and get into some coding. A great place to start is the good old RSA method. It has been around for over four decades and is going strong. If you want to find out how it works, try here:



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.