Rockets, Electric Cars and When Open Source Goes For Profit
Elon Musk has taken so many risks in his life, and — inspired by Hitchhickers Guide to the Galley — asked the question of why we can’t build rockets to leave this planet. With Space X, he faced so many challenges, including his first three rockets completely failing. Eventually his drive pushed the company on, and where SpaceX is now valued at over $210 billion.
For Tesla, he had the dream to build an electric vehicle, and completely disrupt the car industry. For him, it was not a matter of subcontracting the building of the cars to others, he wanted to build megafactories that built-up the knowledge of actually creating the cars. The designing of an electric car is one thing, but its engineering was the most important thing in building expertise. The company is now valued at around $684 billion.
Elon is a risk taker, and an engineer. He sees a problem, and want to engineer a solution.
And, so, Ellon Musk and Sam Altman created OpenAI in an effort to create an open source version of AI, and to combat the power of Google (and who had purchased Deepmind for their advancement in AI). Ellon tried to purchase DeepMind, because he was worried about the ethics of Google becoming an all-powerful leader in AI. After Google took over DeepMind, they setup an ethics board to address the issues of…