RSA 2K … Boiling Every Ocean on the Planet … and more


Someone contacted me and asked if they should upgrade to 4K keys for their Web site. “Why?”, I asked, “We have been told that 2K keys are insecure”, “But you would need to consume the energy to boil all the oceans on the planet to crack them”, “Oh!”.

In order to understand the concept of work in cracking cryptography, Lenstra [here] defined the concept of Global Security in order to show the amount of energy required to crack cryptographic algorithms and compared this with the amount of water that energy could boil something. This could be seen as the carbon footprint of cracking. For a 35-bit key symmetric key (such as AES), you only need to pay for the boiling of a teaspoon of energy, and for a 50-bit key, you just need to have enough money to pay for a shower:

So let’s look at RSA. In order to crack it, we need to factor N, into p and q (the two prime numbers used). Once cracked we can determine PHI (p-1 x q-1), and then we can determine the decryption value (d) [here]. First we will take teaspoon security, and where we would need to consume the amount of energy that can boil a teaspoon. A sample would be (242-bit RSA modulus) [here]:



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.