#ScamAware: Beware, Be Cautious and Don’t Let the Scammers Win!


I receive at least one scam call a week to my mobile. Most of the time it is say that I had an accident, and that I should claim against it. I just hope that they call me once in the middle of a conference presentation, and where I can put them on the speakers.

So, I saw this tweet last week, and I felt so sad that we live in a world where someone does this [here]:

What kind of people tricks an eighty year old person into installing a backdoor onto their computer, and so that they could remotely login and steal money from their account? I just don’t understand it, especially in the stress that this would cause to the person and the family, involved in this. Have cybercrimals no real standard for decency? Just because it does not involve a physical robbery, does not make the crime any less serious in terms of the vulnerability of the person being targetted.

And anyone can receive these calls. Here is me answering a call at 8am on a Saturday morning, and responding to the same scam, and where they want to install a backdoor on my computer:



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.