Louis Mordell and Diophantus

Thank Diophantus and Mordell For Your Online Security

And Neal Koblitz and Victor Miller, of course


We perhaps increasingly live in a soulless world of AI chatbots. It’s a world that lacks any real human interaction, human invention or human spirit. It basically started with Wikipedia, and where we get instant answers to what questions we pose and without all the need for learning in between. It’s soulless place, and where we gain instant access to the knowledge we need. We are becoming a slave to the machine — and that machine is the Internet.

Overall, we are cheating ourselves, and given the current rate of progress, we will become will hold only the most basic of knowledge in our brains, and will hand over the thing that had advanced our society: our gathering of knowledge; our making sense of our complex world; and of our invention based on new thought based science. Perhaps we will gather around people in the future, who will tell stories of how they read scientific papers and wonder at their ability to discover new things without the use of AI.

And, perhaps these stories will tell tales of how the discovery of new methods changed the course of history. Unfortunately, we have become a consumer of technology, and care little about what happens underneath, and of the decades and centuries of work that has taken us to where…



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.