Towards The Cognitive Engine in Cybersecurity


As you may know we are working on a Data Science and Cybersecurity course, and which is part funded by The Data Labs, and it will contain a whole lot of things on SIEM, machine learning and AI. Here we probe the nature of the brain and how we could create a cognitive engine in Cybersecurity. While you can perhaps get a machine to drive a car, the complexity of cybersecurity is a whole lot different thing.

Our wonderful brain

As humans we learn, and often have to learn to perform a task to a high degree of accuracy — such as for handwriting, or driving a car. This type of activity requires very little in the way of us recalling facts and events from the past. It would obviously be dangerous if we approached a traffic light, and had to recall a time in the past when we drove through a red light and caused a serious accident. Once we learn that we should stop at red light, our brain will automatically drive our motor responses. Without a thought we pick up the colour of the traffic and where green tells us to go, while a red light causes us to apply our foot to be brake. But, if a traffic policeman is at the junction and is waving us on, we might recall some of our memories of this type of event from the past, and decide that we do not have to slow down and overrule our automatic response.



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.