Interviews with Professor Frank BANKS and Dr Jingmei LI (Speakers from the 14th ASEF Classroom Network in Finland)

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6 min readFeb 25, 2019

The 14th ASEF Classroom Network Conference (#ASEFClassNet14) themed “Gender Equality: Reprogramming STEM Education” was held from 27–30 November 2018 in Helsinki and Espoo, Finland. It addressed three key themes: (1) women role models in STEM, (2) gender equal curriculum and pedagogy for STEM, and (3) inclusive education policies to promote gender equality in STEM. Through panel discussions and lectures from experts on the topic, the conference promoted debates and discussions among over 100 participants including policy-makers, scholars, pedagogical experts, education leaders and innovative secondary, high and vocational school teachers from 45 ASEM countries.

Before the conference took place, Professor Frank BANKS and Dr Jingmei LI took time to share their thoughts with us through written interviews.

Professor Frank BANKS, Emeritus Professor of Teacher Education, The Open University, The United Kingdom

Professor Frank Banks gave a lecture on the topic, “Teaching STEM in Secondary Schools: Making STEM Learning Inclusive and Relevant for 21st Century” during the 14th ASEF ClassNet Conference in Finland.

Could you let us know the 3 main reasons that motivated you to write the book, “Teaching STEM in the Secondary School: Helping teachers meet the challenge?”

My co-author, Dr David Barlex, and I began our teaching career as science teachers — I as a physics teacher and David as a chemistry teacher. As was the norm, we both were soon required to teach all the sciences to pupils up to the age of 14. Whilst teaching in comprehensive schools, both of us became interested in and enjoyed teaching technology too. When we moved into higher education, we both became involved in the professional development of teachers — both science and design & technology.

  • We were intrigued by the rise of STEM as a potentially unifying concept across related, yet different disciplines of science, mathematics and technology, which could be used to mutually enhance pupils’ learning in these subjects.
  • We saw that it was not easy for teachers to capitalise on the STEM potential despite successive government initiatives and exhortations across many years for them to do so. We wanted to explore the advantages for teachers from mathematics, science and design & technology in “looking sideways” in their school’s curriculum to see what is happening in the STEM subjects other than their own.
  • We believe that such a view will stimulate conversations that are the first and vital step in developing synergy in pupils’ learning across STEM subjects.

What are the main challenges of teaching STEM in secondary schools?

In the UK and in many countries, STEM is not conceived of as a unifying field, but rather, teachers are often required to teach an over-loaded curriculum in their separate, own area of S-T-E-M. The purpose of the separate contributory subjects is different, and a teacher has to work hard to explore overlaps and places where fellow teachers can support what they are doing.

Considering that technology is increasingly becoming an integral part of today’s classrooms, what would you say about teachers’ readiness across countries in integrating technology meaningfully into their pedagogies to teach STEM subjects in an easy and fun way? Could you give a few examples from different countries?

In this question I assume by ‘technology’ we mean ‘Educational Technology’. I have been disappointed in the way that as pupils increasingly have a powerful computer in their own hand which they use out of school day-by-day — a cell phone — but more and more schools are banning their use in the classroom due to the malign influence possibilities of social media. So much could be done by pupils finding appropriate learning materials on You Tube and elsewhere.

Teachers are now very familiar with the use of electronic whiteboards, but more now become expert at coding using SCRATCH and GEOGEBRA. European code week and International code week competitions using the software are common; as is the use of credit-card sized computers such as The Raspberry Pi that plugs into a TV and keyboard, or BBC micro bit.

What role do teachers play in fostering gender equality in today’s classrooms? How can they compensate personal or societal biases with pedagogy in the classroom?

The teacher’s role in fostering gender equality is obviously more than just being aware of how different ‘gender’ cultures react to classroom interactions. Many teachers are very well aware that, when questioning pupils, enabling a short discussion with others before answering questions favours those — often girls, but it is true of all pupils — who are shy of making mistakes when replying to the teacher.

It is both efficient when planning and better for classroom interactions if tasks are of interest to all — boys and girls — due to them being set in a realistic context. However, we need to be clear that it is indeed a realistic context and not merely ‘pseudo-realism’ — something made for just school rather than the actual client specified.

Dr Jingmei LI, Senior Research Scientist, Genome Institute of Singapore

Dr LI spoke on the panel “Inclusive Education Policies for the Promotion of STEM and Gender Equality” as well as gave a lecture about “Breaking the STEM Ceiling for Girls: Finding Inspiration from Role Models” during 14th ASEF ClassNet Conference in Finland.

What motivated you to pursue a career in Science?

What motivated me to spend my life with my other half? There were a few candidates… I went out with a few and decided this choice is for me.

Similarly, and seriously, I believe in giving different careers a chance. I took up many different courses offered by different faculties and interned at various companies before deciding that I was ready to take up Science as a career.

Do you think today’s STEM work field is gender-biased? Do female researchers / scientists face more challenges? If so, what are the current challenges? What should be done to mitigate these challenges?

I always find this question hard to answer with a clear yes or no. In the biomedical sciences field, which I work in, I almost never consciously think about gender issues. There is a good representation of both brilliant men and women scientists. To me, we are all scientists, and science is genderless. One can of course argue that there is a shortage of women in the upper echelons, such a phenomenon is not exclusive to STEM fields. I took part in a roundtable lunch with fellow women in STEM in Singapore just a few days ago discussing this topic, and the usual suspects came up:

What advice would you give to both young boys and girls who want to pursue a career in science?

Science is genderless, and borderless! Do not label yourself and put yourself into a box. Once in a box, it is hard to think out of the box. Talk to people! Be open to solutions from people with other expertise. We should take advantage of the multidisciplinary world that we live in now to advance knowledge.

Take for example: I was studying genetic determinants of mammographic density (measured from mammograms, or X-rays of breasts). As mammographic density is one of the strongest determinants of breast cancer, I was all over it. However, when I discussed the results with a colleague who is outside the field of breast cancer, his comment made me realise I had been INSIDE A BOX. “Why can’t you study genetic determinants of breast size?” he asked, looking at the X-ray. “If you can measure mammographic density, you can also measure breast size.” That short conversation opened up a whole new line of research!

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This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

