Does Amazon Have A Bias Against Legitimate Honest Amazon Sellers?

Ed Rosenberg
Published in
3 min readMay 5, 2023
Why and how?

The ASGTG groups were born and created to help legitimate real businesses that are too often squeezed by Amazon's sometimes cruel and irrational algorithm. The FB group today is the #1 group on compliance and is much more active than the official seller Amazon forums for obvious reasons (it's much better). See the current petition on irrational funds seizure.

We have become the go-to address for all things unfair hurting legitimate third-party sellers.

Lately, though the group has been grumpy as endless international sellers seem to be able to sell with no risk while legitimate ones are held to an impossible standard in the other direction. This is something that was ad nausea in 2018 and made the ASGTG the go-to address for legitimate sellers desperate for a chance of success with sane and workmanlike policies. (see #1 third-party petition ever where this point struck a nerve with Amazon and Sellers.). This is what's behind the #workWithUsAmazon

I believe this contributed to convincing Amazon to offer instant escalation help via Twitter.

This has been Super helpful

While Amazon has made great strides in recent years toward improving the environment for legitimate sellers, the past few weeks have not been great for some unexplained reason. Why do many of us feel like Amazon is kind to the cruel and cruel to the kind? I do not know the answer to this question but I suspect close to 100% of long-time sellers get that same feeling.

The sentiment of many in the seller's community.

Here are some examples of accounts that simply cannot be suspended no matter how obvious it is this is hurting Amazon Inc, Amazon sellers and buyers.

Kind to the Cruel.

Simply unfair how such businesses can stay on for months at a time with no suspensions. They often sell Amazon choice items that can sell 1000s a day.

Why is this account not suspended?
How and why? Who benefits?
This fake Amazon account has 7000 items and is not shipping orders. It's been up for months.
Why does this keep happening?
This company is not shipping and putting a legitimate US based company out of business. This was posted months ago and the account is still active?

…..and cruel to the kind

$100M accounts with 100 employees are suspended with no warning or explanation.

This account is still suspended with no explanation or communication.
How can this be acceptable?
This account is still suspended. Heartbreaking story
These have been more common after going away for a few years.

In conclusion, Amazon Seller Performance has improved by 100X since 2015 most notably with the account health dashboard, Account Health Ratings, Twitter Escalations (my favorite), and 100s of more positive changes. This is great for the seller's and buyers' communities. However, simply being vicious towards legitimate sellers and lax towards international sellers is something that is irrational and should be something that can be fixed pretty quickly.

To Join ASGTG TG Groups. #1 FB group on compliance.



Ed Rosenberg
Editor for

ED Rosenberg started the ASGTG which is a Powerful & leading Amazon Sellers group that provides support & advocates 4 Amazon Sellers. Voice of the SANE seller.