Combating Screen Fatigue in a Virtual Learning Environment

ASHA Offers Tips for Children With Communication Disorders

With children in many parts of the country now engaged in 4 or more hours of online learning each day due to the pandemic, screen fatigue is a concern among both parents and educators. Although all children are susceptible to screen fatigue, those with communication disorders may have an especially difficult time adapting to and thriving within this new reality, according to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).

For all people, online interactions via Zoom and other video platforms require extra effort to communicate. It takes additional work to hear, understand, speak, and stay focused online than it does through in-person exchanges.

Children with speech, language and hearing disorders already expend extra energy communicating under typical circumstances. The added effort required by virtual learning can make them especially susceptible to screen fatigue and frustrate their ability to learn.

Parents can help by using the following techniques with their child:

Warm up — and cool down. Make room in the daily schedule for “ramp-up time” if a child needs additional time to get ready to learn or “cool-down time” to transition out of learning.

Use a visual schedule. Illustrate the times for various tasks — and highlight upcoming fun activities or breaks. This can help them keep their motivation up as they work towards something positive.

Get moving. Provide lots of movement opportunities throughout the day. Pair review of educational content with physical activity (e.g., practice times tables during a walk around the block), and alternate educational time with physical time, when possible.

Limit “extracurricular” screen time. This is a good time to regroup on your family’s household technology use. Make a media use plan (try the tools at or Common Sense Media). Carve out tech-free times, such as during breakfast or dinner (prime conversation opportunities), before bed (children need adequate sleep to help with learning), and on weekends.

Communicate with school staff. If you child has a 504 plan or Individualized Education Program (IEP), talk to their coordinator to see if modifications or additional accommodations need to be made. Their audiologist or speech-language pathologist can provide tailored recommendations. Also, let the teacher know the signs of fatigue in your child. They may be able to provide offline work to replace some online learning.

Do a home technology audit. Make sure all technology is working properly to provide the optimal learning environment. If a child wears hearing aids, for instance, see if you can connect the hearing aid directly to the device they are using (your school’s educational audiologist can help). Make sure their Internet connection is adequate (again, contact the school if you need additional resources or services).

Prioritize healthy habits. Strive for a balanced diet and consistent mealtimes, a good night’s sleep, and regular exercise for your child to help limit overall fatigue.

