Non-Tech Holiday Gifts to Build Kids’ Language and Learning

By Diane Paul

Increased screen time among young children is an understandable pandemic reality as parents juggle work, childcare, and other responsibilities.

However, this holiday shopping season we can let parents and caregivers know that from a language and learning perspective, they don’t need to purchase tablets, smart watches, learning apps, or high-tech toys. Although these products often claim to both educate and entertain, the opposite is generally true: Kids don’t need these products for either purpose.

In contrast, non-tech toys are usually less expensive and yield rich developmental benefits by encouraging real-world interaction with loved ones and hands-on play. These features build vocabularies and social skills, and teach cause and effect, problem-solving, and nearly every other foundational language and learning skill.

Here are some ideas for non-tech toys to help promote key language and learning skills in young children.

