Wellbeing- Connect with yourself

Ashita Jain
Ashita jain
Published in
6 min readNov 25, 2021

Company- ConnectLab.ai

Client-ISKCON, London


To design an omnichannel experience for children and adults to have better experiences when they are at the ISKCON temple or away from the temple.


According to Blackbaud’s 2016 Charitable Giving Report, a mere 7.2% of all individual donations in the UK were made online. Of those online donations, however, 17% were made using mobile devices — a jump of eight percentage points since 2014. This implies that such usage will grow in importance, and this aligns with the ISKCON vision towards a technological intervention in channelizing the devotee community engagement and cashless donation experience.

Fascinating insights were observed during this phase that most of the users want to make cashless donations using the integrated secure payment system. Elderly want to be able to perform daily darshan when they cannot visit the Temple. They want personalised communication to increase the awareness of appropriate activities at the Temple and to be able to learn (interactive) about the stories, culture and history of ISKCON.

My Role in this project

To collaborate with the Temple president, team and the users to create a Design Strategy which includes Intent, Study Users and their General tasks, Defining scenarios, Task flow diagrams, Information Architecture, Presentation, Screen Elements and Wireframes, Visual Library, Testing, Accessibility and Internationalization.

User Segments-

  • New to ISKCON(Age 25–35) : These are the people, having zero knowledge of ISKCON society.
  • ISKCON Devotee(Age 35–65): These are the people who have knowledge.
  • ISKCON Management(Age 22–55) — These are the people who manages the temple.

User Profile

User Persona

It helped me to prioritise the user segment and document rationale for early design decisions.

Based on the user’s expertise different journeys were crafted on to the app to understand each question that they might ask. And this was translated into the app features and flow. The modules were crafted based on the touch points of different user groups and scenarios.

Information Architecture

Probabilities rather than possibilities

We aim to design the User-centric product rather than feature centric. I have considered the following parameters while defining Information Architecture.

  • Keep categories to a minimum — the simpler things are, the better the UX. That doesn’t mean drop useful data but do think about the fact that people get lost when given more decisions.
  • Keep content and categories together — no empty pages, no empty links. If a user clicks on an item, it must deliver some relevant content too.
  • Keep links to a sensible number too — don’t overwhelm the user with dozens of links.
  • Prioritize by popularity — “deck placement” is vital to controlling the of the experience. The more popular something is within the app or site; the more vital it is that you make it easy to get. Here our main decks are Learn, Pray, Donate and Events which are easily accessible from the central point, i.e. Home Screen.
  • Label navigation items clearly and concisely — this applies to links as well as menu options; this is a crucial aspect of UX writing

The application is built on the following areas:

  1. Donate
  2. Learn
  3. Pray
  4. Events

Interactive Learning at the Temple

Interactive Tap & Learn content at the Temple. Become Familiar with the verses and meaning of Prayers and song book

This segment will facilitate users to learn about the stories, culture and history of ISKCON through tailored training while at the temple. The content is provided by the temple team, which is slightly different for beginners who have no to little knowledge about Krishna..

Technology Used- User can scan the QR code, placed at different locations at the temple.

User Journey — While walking around the temple, the user discovers the deity picture with the QR code and steps to learn beneath it, and he follows the steps-Open and clicks on the learn button from the home screen, selects the Temple tour button, scans the QR code and read the story relating to the deity.

We have translated the user mental model to the application flow to meet user expectations.

Wireframe- Learn section


A component that allows people to donate via tap and pay technology at the temple or away from the temple, anywhere anytime safely and securely.

More than Donate

if you’re a higher rate UK taxpayer, you can claim tax relief on charitable donations you’ve made through Gift Aid.

Read more- https://www.gov.uk/donating-to-charity/gift-aid.This app will allow the user to donate and claim tax relief through Gift Aid.

Technology used-User can tap the donation box, which has Bluetooth low(BLE) energy device, which transmits a signal receivable for all smart devices. The smart device receives the BLE-signal which triggers a synchronized application.

Donation flow


A segment of the application which integrates with the existing ISKCON temple WebCams and provide live real-time Darshan when the cameras are on.


A Component that enables people to see all the activities happening at the temple.

Information is laid out in the calendar form. This personalized Calendar will help the user to organize daily temple routines and keep track of Temple activities like weekly and annual events, Talks, Festivals, Ekadasi dates and courses.

Designing UIs

The app is straightforward and concentrates on maintaining brand consistency. It is visually attractive and has a card-based layout. To reduce the cognitive load, every element such as buttons and other offers Visual Affordance so the users can unconsciously use them everywhere.


Keeping the user group in mind, attention is given regarding layout; focus on hierarchy and readability and alignment.To draw attention to key features following techniques are used:1)Colour, brightness and contrast 2) Text via font sizes, bold type/weighting, italics, capitals and distance between letters. so that users would be able to pick up meanings just by scanning.

High fidelity screens

App store Link-http://bit.ly/MTCAppLondon

YouTube Link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZO9xfvl0gg&t=36s

Tools Used- Adobe XD, Sketch, Zeplin, Slack.



This project is designed to have a meaningful impact on the ISKCON society. I have learned a lot from the day I started this project, which includes project management, rapid prototyping for quick user feedback and UX writing.
Challenges Faced-The initial problem was to get immersed with the ISKCON, London community. Donation is an emotional activity, so to design for the same was challenging.



Ashita Jain
Ashita jain

MSc HCI, University College London | Ex-ServiceNow