Create Your Own Sunshine

Ashley Burkett
Ashley Burkett Happiness
1 min readNov 15, 2018

Happiness. Something we all long for but never know where to find it. Happiness: the state of being happy. Pure happiness. Where do we find it?

Happiness can be found within anything in your life right now. One of my favorite quotes says, “Create your own sunshine, no one else’s will shine for you”. Sunshine: cheerfulness; happiness. I like this quote so much because it teaches us that we can not depend on other people to make us happy but we have to find happiness within ourselves. Something I have learned in the last couple of months is that you have to be truly grateful for the things in your life to began to feel genuine happiness. Take nothing for granted. Another very important step to be happy is to work hard for what you want, nothing is handed to you. Happiness does not come easily but can be obtained from these things. Happiness has taught me a lot. It has taught me that I deserve the best and that life is not a game you’re trying to win but a game we are all just trying to make it in.

