Finding It

Ashley Burkett
Ashley Burkett Happiness
1 min readDec 6, 2018

As said before, happiness can be found in nearly anything depending on the person. Happiness can not be found in materialistic things, these things can be taken from us. Happiness can be found in activities, people, places, etc.


Finding a hobby you truly enjoy is a very important part of finding happiness. Doing a hobby such as, track, finding a job you like, or even just spending time with friends.A hobby doesn’t always have to be a sport. There are many things to choose from when finding something you enjoy and brings you happiness. Finding a hobby or activity to do is important to finding happiness because it gives you something to do, and be passionate about, if you are looking to being happy but don’t do anything to achieve it, you will never find it.


Probably the most important step to take when it comes to this, is knowing the ones who will help and support you are. Having good friends is key in many circumstances. If there are people in your life who are continuously letting you down or hurting you, let them go because you don’t deserve that and will never find happiness with people like that surrounding you. It may be hard letting go of people who use to bring you joy, but in the long run, your overall happiness will skyrocket.

