Happiness-My Perspective

Ashley Burkett
Ashley Burkett Happiness
2 min readDec 13, 2018

I believe happiness is the one thing to get you through this crazy life. Happiness is not something that just comes to you, you have to work for it. But I also know that no one is ever totally happy at all times. That just isn’t realistic.

Happiness in my life is my friends and family. I find pure happiness in these things. It is different for everyone where they find their happiness, it could be in sports or volunteering. But since I am much more social than I am not, friends and family is my go to. I will say that I have not always been happy. Actually, I have had the worst year ever but this year was full of learning experiences. In these past 346 days I have learned that everything truly happens for a reason and I need to learn to except that and I think that is the #1 reason as to why I am such a more positive person now. Some other things I have learned in these past couple of months that are crucial to who I am now is, I can not settle for less than what I deserve, some people just have to go, and that I need to cherish what I have while I have it.

If I was to give someone in a hard place advice on how to get out of it, I would tell them that everything happens for a reason. And you may not believe that now but give it time and see how far you have come and how much you have learned. Because in the end, you are all you got.

