What Happy People Know

Ashley Burkett
Ashley Burkett Happiness
2 min readDec 13, 2018
  1. To live fully, you’ve got to be growing.
  2. Resisting the facts of the present moment is futile, you have to accept what it is.
  3. It is critical to make peace with the past, let it go.
  4. Life is filled with immense possibilities all the time.
  5. For everyone life can be mundane at times, deal with it gracefully.
  6. We are so much more than mind and body, embrace your soul/spirit.
  7. Gratitude is powerful, and the most rapid way into ease, peace and happiness.
  8. Mistakes are okay, not least because they make you wiser and stronger.
  9. Other peoples negativity and BS has nothing to do with you, detach and don’t make it matter to you.
  10. Fear is meant to be felt, not obeyed.
  11. You do not need to buy into negative thoughts that you have, let them come and go.
  12. You can choose the best possible perspective in any given situation.
  13. Taking care of your body is key — mind, body, mind and emotions are always connected in some way.
  14. Self-worth is not linked to what you do or what you own.
  15. Everyone is the same, no one is more or less worthy or valuable.
  16. The moment you realize you are responsible for every aspect of your life is when you are completely free.
  17. You don’t need a relationship or large group of people to be happy. You just have to understand yourself.
  18. To love yourself, simply be yourself.
  19. Life is a constant flux. Savor the moments we enjoy and know that those we don’t, will pass us by.
  20. Each one is always changing. What matters is how we create the self we wish to be every moment.
  21. We only have so much time. It is okay to cut off things that are unnecessary.

