5 Writing Tips You Should Ignore

and one you must follow.

Ashley Shannon
Ashley, On Writing


Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash

When I started writing, I treated it like I would anything else new in my life. I researched as much as I could, read books and blog posts, listened to podcasts, and watched videos online. I wanted to know everything that I could to be the best writer I could be.

I was like a sponge, soaking up any advice I could find.

But have you ever heard that thing about opinions and assholes, you know, how everyone has one? Well, writers tend to be like that too. Every writer I know has some kind advice for new writers, believe me, I know because I asked every single one at some point when I was starting out.

The advice writers give comes in all shapes and sizes, but is never one size fits all.

There is a ton of good advice and even more bad advice about writing, and it would take years to sift through. Many writers tend to give the same advice, even if it doesn’t work for them. Maybe they pass on advice that they have seen work for others. Perhaps they pass on advice from their favorite writer ( Like read Stephen King’s On Writing ) instead of giving you their own.

Save yourself some time and energy and clear these bits of bad advice out of your mind.

You have to write every single day.



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