Don’t be Afraid to Tell Your Story

Someone, somewhere needs to hear it.

Ashley Shannon
Ashley, On Writing


Photo by Alexandre Chambon on Unsplash

‘How do you write about your life so openly?’

This is the question I get asked the most since I started blogging five months ago. I have always found it interesting that they don’t ask me why I write about my own life for the entire world to read, but how I do it.

I try to brush off the question, telling them there isn’t a secret to how I write or what I write about. It’s just my life and I write it down sometimes.

My answer never seems to satisfy them because they are looking for a specific tactic for sharing their own stories.

Figuring Out What You Want to Say

When I decided to start blogging, like so many other writers, I didn’t know what to write about. I’m not especially talented or knowledgeable in specific areas. While I did attend three years of college, I didn’t graduate.

When it comes to productivity, marketing, business, and a plethora of other areas that many people write about on the internet, I don’t have much of anything say. I couldn’t seem to find the right fit for my writing.

It took a lot of searching within my own life to find the right subjects to write about. I settled on relationships, mental health…



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