The Difference Between a Short Story and a Personal Essay

Many writers often get the two confused.

Ashley Shannon
Ashley, On Writing


As a single woman with a busy schedule smackdab in the middle of a pandemic, I’ve spent a lot of time on Tinder and other online dating apps. Don’t worry, and I will spare you all the details of why Tinder is literally the worst.

All dating sites require two things, a profile picture and a bio where you talk about yourself. Some people post funny jokes; some people talk about what they are looking for in their next partner. Almost everyone puts what they do for a living.

My profile tells all my perspective matches that I am a VERY busy single mom of two, looking for friends, and that I’m a full-time writer. The question I get most often when a match is trying to strike up a casual conversation is, ‘What do you write?’

If you use this line, you get zero points for creativity, and creativity is important to a writer.

My response is the same for everyone who asks me this question. I’m a blogger, and I write personal essays.

What is the most common response, you ask.

‘Personal essays…Like short stories?’

No, short stories and personal essays are not the same.



Ashley Shannon
Ashley, On Writing

Thirty something queer mom of two, one with autism. Lover of sushi, coffee, and wine. Living a life of travel. Top Writer