Where to Start When You Want to Write a Book
even if you aren’t into outlining.
Each person reacts differently when they realize they want to write a book. It’s the easiest part of the process for some, whereas it may be the hardest for others. It could be as simple as “I have this idea, I’m going to write about it!” or it could feel like a mountainous task. So, how do you start writing?
When I decided I was going to write a book, I had more of the second reaction. I knew that I wanted it to be something serious, not to approach it as a hobbyist, but to create a successful career. I realized early on that this was possible as a blogger, but, in my heart of hearts, my passion was young adult fiction.
Knowing this gave me a good start. I had a specific goal in mind and genre, but now what. What was I supposed to do next? Was I supposed just to sit down and put words on a page, or if I should have a plan?
To Plot or to Pants
I opted to start writing to see where it’d take me. This is called pantsing in the writing community. I quickly began to struggle. I would start a story only to hit a block as I wrote myself into a corner. My characters had conversations that didn’t do much, and I didn’t know how to move the plot forward. Soon, I’d get frustrated and walk away from the…