Why You Should Have an Author Platform

and when you should start building yours.

Ashley Shannon
Ashley, On Writing


Photo by dole777 on Unsplash

Much like moving to a stage and standing behind a podium to deliver a message, your author platform is where you share your thoughts and ideas. Loosely defined, it comprises all the places where you communicate, such as your social media posts, podcasts, author website, YouTube videos, newsletters, TikTok, and more. It is anything that you use to reach the world. So if you’re prone to sending tiny pieces of rolled-up missives by carrier pigeons, then that’s part of your platform.

Having an effective author platform serves many purposes. It can help curb the cost of paid marketing, turn followers into super fans, and bring awareness to your brand and books.

When I should start to build one?

Right now!

If you are writing a book, thinking about writing a book, or may want to write one in the future, it is critical to create an online presence today. Don’t hesitate to put yourself out there. It doesn’t have to be big or bold. You can start small.

For example, today, try to post on one of your social media profiles. Stop right now and share something about your writing. Tell your friends and family a bit about your current project. Maybe, let them know you have a…



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