Hello! 👋

I’m Ashley.

Ashley Ann
Ashley Crutcher
2 min readFeb 9, 2017


It’s nice to meet you! I’m humbled that you are taking the time to get to know me. Here’s a quick intro:


I am a follower of Jesus Christ — My faith and what I believe is very integral to who I am.


In May 2013, I married my husband, Paul and we have expanded our little family to include

  • Kado: a goofy Australian/German Shepherd mix
  • Pippa: the orange fuzzball who is the world’s happiest cat.
  • Pixel: the world’s most vocal cat, who is loved and not with us anymore.
  • Lexi: the sweetest lab mix, who is loved and also not with us anymore.

Working Hours

I currently am the Director of Experience Strategy at InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in Madison, WI. I spend my time cycling among establishing the discipline infrastructure for an emerging UX Team, managing staff designers, and practicing my own design craft whenever possible.

My past work has included: UX Engineer at Ansira, a digital agency, and a UX Developer at Global Media Outreach.

Off Hours

I’m very intentional about being a holistic person — outside of work hours, I keep myself entertained with knitting/crocheting, working out, ringing handbells, reading things on all sorts of topics, and enjoying the company of interesting people.

I’m looking forward to getting to know you — send me a message!

