My Core Values as a Designer

Ashley Ann
Ashley Crutcher
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2018

Feedback | Collaboration | Discernment

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

I’ve been thinking lately about what kind of designer I am. What do I want to make sure always happens when I am on a project? More than building a product — what is it like to work with me?

So, here are a few principles I’m trying to create good experiences by:

Core Values


I am a designer that actively invites, enthusiastically receives and carefully considers feedback. I hold my work loosely and always listen closely to what actual people that are in my target audience have to say. I carefully tease out what is a personal preference and what will broadly apply.


I am a designer that collaborates closely with everyone on the team, especially developers. I create real work, and that requires having an open and continuous loop with my developers and those writing the content.


In an age as we increasingly rely on computers to do more than ever; I critically consider what needs a human touch and not use the hammer of technology to solve everything. I want humans to use technology in ways that enhance their lives, not steal from their lives.

Do you have core values? Is there anything you find important to remember when you design that I’ve left out? I recently discovered this list and think it’s pretty stellar too!

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Ashley Crutcher is now the Director of Experience Strategy at InterVarsity located in Madison, WI. She tweets at @ashleyspixels and enjoys cuddling with her furkiddos, crocheting/knitting, ringing handbells, and thinking too much about everything.

