This Week in Research | February 20–24, 2017

What’s cool this week in research, science, data, and culture

Ashley Warren
Ashley Warren Research
2 min readFeb 24, 2017


The value of duck sex research versus a skeptical Congress | ArsTechnica

How research becomes distorted by politics. In this article, misunderstandings about why certain research is being conducted is used as fuel for “wasteful research spending.” (Relevant to lesson #4 and lesson #5 in The Citizen’s Guide to Research.)

Researchers are trying to map the Dark Web economy to the real world | The Outline

A fascinating look into the “dark web,” being mapped by internet geographers. Tracing the happenings of secret cyberspace to the physical world is no easy task.

Mildred Dresselhaus | Photo via the Kavli Foundation

Mildred Dresselhaus, ‘Queen Of Carbon’ And Nanoscience Trailblazer, Dies At 86 | NPR

Science pioneer Mildred Dresselhaus died this week; read this article about her groundbreaking, fascinating career.

A Growing Archive of Global Street Music | Atlas Obscura

A really cool archive project called the #StreetMusicMap, created by journalism fellow Daniel Bacchieri. Check out the article to find out how to watch or listen to street music from around the world.

