Shadow Seer Tarot

What Are YOU Working Through?

Ashlynn White
Ashlynn’s Astrology


Wednesday, September 13th, 2023

My Intro📣

Good morning, I don’t know about you but I’m feeling pretty groggy and overall just not awesome.

Today I’d like to pull a card from my Light Seer’s Tarot deck by Chris-Anne to better understand the negative energies, or the ones that we need to push through to obtain the things we’ve been searching for; whether that be an advance in our career, a head-first leap into love, or overall betterment of our lives.



Ashlynn White
Ashlynn’s Astrology

✨Top Writer in Energy✨ Capricorn who loves her Cats, Reading, and Writing. I've been called a Word Fairy🧚🏻‍♀️ and a Gothic Heroine🦇 so I'm sticking by that!!