Medium Partner Program Update and July Plans

Ashlynn White
Ashlynn’s MPP Journey
2 min readJul 5, 2022

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Good morning my beautiful readers! I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend to kick off the start of July!

Medium Partner Program Update:

As most, if not all, of you know, it is a requirement to have 100+ followers to be part of the Medium Partner Program (MPP). A little while back this was not a rule, as I was part of the MPP. I was quite saddened when this stipulation came about. However, it has pushed me to work harder on my blog, to interact with other writers more, and to be active [almost] every single day.

In the month of June alone I was able to gain 26 new followers! Hello!!

So right now I’m sitting at a wonderful 49 followers!

I’m only 51 away from being able to renew my membership within MPP.

With that I have been so incredibly lucky to have had over 420+ views in the last 30 days! Coming in with 154 reads! Thank you all so much to anyone who has ever viewed one of my stories, clapped for one, or shared my links! I appreciate all of you!

My most reaching story this month was my Trying for Medium Partner Program. If you get a sec, check it out!

July Plans:

Ya, I really have no clue where I’m going with July… I’m going to continue to release my book reviews of LIBE -Tolly Burkan, I am planning on doing more crystal research and posting about that, I also just bought a BEAUTIFUL new deck of tarot cards that I would love to talk about and maybe share a few pulls I’ve done. Let me know if there is anything you guys would like to read about that I’m not covering!

Thanks for reading, and have an absolutely amazing day. You’ve got this!

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Ashlynn White
Ashlynn’s MPP Journey

✨Top Writer in Energy✨ Capricorn who loves her Cats, Reading, and Writing. I've been called a Word Fairy🧚🏻‍♀️ and a Gothic Heroine🦇 so I'm sticking by that!!