Client Success Story — eAdvisor Dashboard App

Baiju Thaker
Published in
4 min readFeb 8, 2021

eAdvisor is a Financial Planning SaaS(Software as a service) Dashboard application, focused on providing advisors with the ability to quickly and easily show clients a multitude of scenarios on simulated (Monte Carlo) and real historical data. Tax Strategies and Spending Rules are also available to show clients the effects of how, when, and from where they withdraw their money. There are three types of users.1) Advisor — This is a main user or subscriber of the application, Advisor can invite his Co-Advisors and Clients and also can Update/Manage Clients profile details.2) Co-Advisor — This user works under the Advisor and also can invite Clients & can Update/Manage Clients profile details but can not invite other Co-Advisors .3) Client — We can say this is the customer of Advisor & can only Update/Manage his own Profile details.

Initially, the Client wanted to build this application using plain Javascript/HTML but we convinced him to go for Angular 10 Framework as it provides benefits and structure, and later when the project expands much easier to maintain and does not require re-write. We have also used Firebase,Node.js, Bootstrap & Stripe payment gateway, SendGrid(for Email services),ngx admin theme, Highcharts in this project. Stripe subscription port has been used to update/cancel subscription plans & Strip hooks used to get the status and maintain the status of the subscription.

I worked with Jitendra & the team at ashutec to build an application in Angular for a SaaS project. he did a really good job, it was a complex project, and involved a lot of APIs (payment API, email API, custom API) and a lot of different features and database work. They were able to accomplish everything I was looking for in a good amount of time, and they always kept me up to date with what they were doing and what they planned to do next. Communication was quick and easy, quality of work was great, and ultimately I got a good product that I am excited about.

- Joshua Terrell


  1. Invite Clients, Work with Clients Live — Advisor can invite Clients via Email to the application. From there they may set up their profile
  2. Client profile divided into six parts 1) Basic Info 2) Investment Info 3) Income 4) Social Security 5) Budget Planner and 6) Big Purchase
  3. After completing the client profile setup Advisor/Client can see Dashboard, the Dashboard will show client financial details.
  4. Advisor can switch between clients & even invite new clients by using the switch client button on his profile page.
  5. When the Client & Advisor are logged in they will both see changes the other make instantaneously. Updating Scenarios, Client profiles, Tax Strategies, Spending Rules are immediately reflected for the Client & Advisor.
  6. Advisor has to select a subscription plan at the time of Sign Up, He can select monthly or yearly plans from the list based on his seat requirements for clients & later he can also change or cancel the subscription any time in the future.
  7. Scenarios — Test a multitude of scenarios, and how they affect your client’s portfolio size and chances of financial longevity.
  8. Historical Data — In addition to simulated portfolio values, show clients actual historical market conditions.
  9. Tax Strategies — Tax Strategies allow Advisor & his clients to easily compare the effects of how different ways to withdraw money affect the likelihood of success and account values.
  10. Reports — Generate reports to show clients a summary of their financial plan, tax strategy, and spending plan, and how their plan would hold up to 30+ scenarios in a simulated and historical environment.


Client-side- Angular 10, Bootstrap, Firebase Authentication, Firebase Cloud Firestore, Firebase Storage.

Server-side- Firebase Functions, Firebase Trigger, Node.js, Typescript.

Integration-Stripe payment, SendGrid, Ngx admin theme, Highcharts.

Deployment-GitHub, Firebase Hosting.

Write to us on to get a free evaluation to check whether your next application should be created using Angular, Bootstrap, Firebase Authentication, Firebase Cloud Firestore, Firebase Storage, and many more cutting edge open-source technologies.

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Baiju Thaker
Writer for

Business Development Executive at Ashutec Solutions Pvt Ltd.