Asia P3 Hub Honored with 2019 Flourish Prize

Press release

Asia P3 Hub
Asia P3 Hub Updates
2 min readJun 20, 2019


Singapore, 11 May 2019 — The Fowler Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit at the Weatherhead School of Management — Case Western Reserve University is proud to announce that Asia P3 Hub (hosted by World Vision International) has been honored with a 2019 Flourish Prize for a student-written story about the company’s positive and profitable business innovation. The story titled: Global Partnerships for Social Impact was published on the AIM2Flourish platform during the 2018 calendar year. This recognition is one of the 17 Flourish Prizes awarded this year, celebrating progress towards the 17 UN Global Goals and business’ role in achieving them.

AIM2Flourish, a program housed at the Fowler Center, is used by professors around the world to facilitate student interviews with business leaders about positive and profitable business innovations that advance the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (Global Goals) established by the United Nations. Under the direction of Professor Ron Fry, Khoo Shu Wen, Felix Lim and Rosseana Wong interviewed Wayne Chia (Innovative Programmes Lead), Christy Davis (Executive Director) and Phearak Svay (Senior WASH & Partnerships Advisor) of Asia P3 Hub about their business model and innovative approach which can be simplified into 3 pertinent areas of: “Relationship Innovation, Process Innovation, Product & Service Innovation.” Their story Global Partnerships for Social Impact was recognized for Global Goal #17, Partnerships for the Goals.

“Private, public and people sectors pooling resources in collaborative ways can create a powerhouse of thoughtful, dynamic, inclusive and sustainable solutions to the challenges of the world today. Vulnerability of people and our planet is at an all-time high — we must take a ‘combinatorial’ approach to heal and thrive.” — Christy Davis

The 17 winning stories, one for each Global Goal, come from 14 Universities across eight countries. Winners were selected by a distinguished jury from more than 800 stories published on in 2018. (See the full list of winners and story descriptions here.)

The prize-winning businesses, professors, universities, and students will be honored during the 2019 Flourish Prizes virtual celebration, taking place online the week of May 6th-10th. Follow the awards ceremony and see photos and videos from the winners via the Fowler Center Facebook and Twitter pages or using hashtag #FlourishPrizes2019.

For more information about AIM2Flourish, please contact The Fowler Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit, at or 216–368–2160.



Asia P3 Hub
Asia P3 Hub Updates

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