Partnerships for Social Impact

Asia P3 Hub Newsletter, December 2018 issue

Asia P3 Hub
Asia P3 Hub Updates
4 min readDec 22, 2018


How do you bring clean water, toilets and hygiene to school children in Asia to support their education? How can you improve the lives of rural communities bearing the brunt of the growing ‘toxic tide’ of e-waste? And how can you provide safe drinking water to remote communities in a marine sanctuary?

We believe in combinatorial innovation — combining existing resources and technologies together in new ways to create new creative solutions. With this in mind, we are confident that multi-sector partnerships can bring sustainable and market-driven solutions for impact and transformational change.

As we close the year 2018, we celebrated our achievements and partnerships at our ‘Springboard! 2019’ event early this month. Read the article about it, plus more stories on how partnerships can bring social impact.


Moving Beyond Transactional Relationships

Models of business / NGO collaboration have begun to shift quite significantly. Eight years ago, the relationship between a company and an NGO was most likely to be transactional in nature: a donation or sponsorship from the company or, in the case of a company’s social investment, a fee-for-service arrangement for the NGO to deliver specific outputs. Read about the partnership between GSK and Save the Children which shows the real potential of partnerships when two organisations take the decision to move beyond a transactional relationship to a more strategic and transformational form of collaboration. This article by Darian Stibbe, Executive Director of The Partnering Initiative, first appeared in Business Fights Poverty in 2016, but is still relevant today.

[Read the full article]

Look No Further: Creating Impact in Your Own Backyard Through Partnerships

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the scale of global challenges and the humanitarian crises being splashed across our screens and newspapers. And many of us think that having a social impact means going somewhere far away, sacrificing a lot of our time and resources, and maybe even having to do everything on our own, which can hinder us from taking the first step forward. But the answer to creating social impact can be closer than you think — it may be right in your own backyard!

[Read the full article]

The Story of a World Vision Sponsored Child: Meet Janvie

Abandoned by his parents at an early age, Janvie grew up living in poverty. Instead of going to school, he had to work in the sugarcane fields. Through his own determination and World Vision (WV) child sponsorship, he was given the opportunity to transform his life. This partnership with WV has helped him in his life journey, and now he is leveraging that investment in him in very powerful ways. Janvie is currently working with WV Philippines on the Social Impact Challenge initiative we are managing with WV Philippines and WV Canada.


Springing Into a Transformational 2019

Asia P3 Hub celebrated its year-end celebration Springboard! 2019 on 6 December where we shared the impact of our achievements in 2018, and looking forward to next year, with around 40 members of our community of champions, supporters and friends. Together with our trusted partner, Kohler Company, we walked through our partnership and bring to life how we have moved from a transactional approach to a transformative one, and how all partners can benefit from sharing resources and collaborating for greater impact. And because stories are powerful to communicate your impact, we also had an interactive storytelling session by Julian Cheong of Mike Bosworth Leadership.

[Read the full article]


As we end 2018 and celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, we wish you all a blessed Christmas and holidays with your loved ones!

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Asia P3 Hub
Asia P3 Hub Updates

An open space to spark and incubate shared-value, market-driven solutions for transformational change.