The Dark Secret of SEO and BackLinks

Rakesh Kumar
Published in
5 min readApr 24, 2020

Anyone has tried, backlink is quite laborious work. Even with all the how-to backlink guides that exist over the Internet, you probably have fallen back to these work.

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For the sake of generating more traffic for your website, you need to improve its search engine visibility. One effective way to improve ranking and creating more organic traffic volume is to get quality backlinks from highly credible websites from your niche.

But getting back links is not so easy. Often getting good backlinks from reputable websites involves years of effort put into networking, content marketing, and using an array of effective tools.

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# How to Earn Quality Backlinks ?

The following ways will help you get backlinks to your websites -

Remember: focus on quality and quantity!

1. Create Awesome Content

If you want backlinks by the hundreds & thousands, creating amazing content is your top priority.

2. Guest posting on other websites

Thats mean, Another way of getting backlinks?
Guest post on other websites so you get a link pointing to your eCommerce store. With a little creative digging, it’s pretty easy to find out which sites accept guest posts.

3. Request for links to yellow pages websites

This one is for all types of websites which can be products and services, and it’s super easy to implement.

4. Try media pitching

Media pitching is a little hard to teach, because it’s so open-ended. But here’s a rough guide that will help you get started: At the end of every year, look at next year’s calendar and start planning for the major holidays.

5. See where your competitors are getting their backlinks

It’s 2012, and nothing we do on the internet is private.

6. Find broken links and request a link to your store

This technique plays on the power of reciprocity. And you’d be surprised at how effective it is! To find broken links, simply download the Check My Links extension and enable it.

There are many types of backlinks, but only some of them will have a positive impact on your search engine rankings. A few years ago, link building was simple. In the last years, Google’s search algorithm has become smarter and harder to manipulate.

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Benefits of Dofollow Backlinks !!

If you wanna rank your website to Search Engines by improving Domain Authority (DA), Page Authority (PA) and Page Rank then you need to make DoFollow Backlink with very less NoFollow Backlink.

  • Improves Page Rank
  • Improves blog authority in Google eyes
  • Content ranks higher for multiple keywords

Now am pretty sure that you have acquired complete knowledge that what DoFollow Backlinks are and what all are its benefits!

So, now let’s see How to get High PR Dofollow Backlinks From High Authority Sites!

# List of Best SEO Websites

  1. Medium
  2. LinkedIn
  3. Quora
  4. About me
  5. Yourdoorstep Blog
  6. Blogspot
  7. WordPress
  8. Picktu
  9. Somuch
  10. It’s my URLs
  11. LinkTree
  12. Slideshare
  13. Im faceplate
  15. Listly

What is a NoFollow Backlink?

Nofollow backlink does not pass the authority because the tag rel=”nofollow” in the HTML code of the website tells crawlers not to follow these backlinks. Google does not transfer the authority or anchor text across nofollow links.

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Determining the value of a backlink !!

Here’s the part where I’m supposed to tell you to go for quality over quantity.
But you know what’s better - Quality and Quantity.

# What is a “quality” backlink?

First, quality backlinks are always follow backlinks (as opposed to nofollow backlinks).

# What is a “quantity” backlink?

Quantity backlinks are means, you should make always quality dofollow backlinks instead of bulk backlinks without quality.

# Here’s what a follow backlink looks like:

<a href=“”>Digital Marketing Company</a>
If there’s a follow backlink from to Digital Marketing Company, Forbes is essentially telling Google that they’re vouching for Digital Marketing Company.

Then you have your nofollow backlinks, which look like:
<a rel=“nofollow” href=“”>Digital Marketing Company</a> If Forbes links to AsiaInfoTech using a nofollow link, they’re acknowledging that AsiaInfoTech exists, but they’re telling Google not to count the link towards search rankings.

Generally speaking, links from social media sites (Facebook, Twitter) as well as blog comments and forums are typically nofollow links.

  • Whilst these are great for organic sharing and word of mouth, they don’t directly boost your search engine visibility.
  • That being said, even a nofollow backlink from Forbes still has great potential to give you direct traffic and boost your store’s credibility. So if you get the chance, take it!
  • Follow vs nofollow aside, here are some other factors that will impact the quality of your backlinks.
  • Links from websites with high Domain Authority (DA) are more valuable than links from websites with low Domain Authorities.

# Analysis Tools

Backlink analysis tools are extremely useful in helping you build a strong backlink profile. They can help you analyze your competitors’ backlinks so you can devise strategies to out rank them.

Use the backlink analysis tools mentioned above to increase your website’s credibility and traffic.

  1. MOZ Rank
  2. Ahrefs
  3. SEMrush
  4. Monitor Backlinks
  5. Kerboo

# Service Provider Company

If you want to rank your website to Search Engines by improving Website Index, Keywords, SEO and SEM etc. Here is small list that help you to provide best service in very less price.

Final Words :

These are some quite simple links to get. Yes there is many others out there, but you can do these. So, this is it, my best help for SEO. If you have any suggestions for backlinks please let me know by leaving a comment.

