Woman. Warrior. Writer. June 2024

Asian American Book Club
2 min readJun 7, 2024

Woman. Warrior. Writer. Marisa Lin!

How did you come to author your life?

I’ve always been a poet, but it wasn’t until six years ago that I realized it. It was during my final quarter of college when I took my first creative writing course. That class — and the professor, Sarah Frisch — transformed my trajectory. Sarah assigned us to read The Glass Essay by Anne Carson. It was a long poem and I had never read anything like it. I remember thinking, “Wait, you’re allowed to do this?” and feeling an entire universe opening to me. By then it was too late to change my academic focus (I was an Economics major) but the great thing about writing is that you can do it anytime, anywhere. After graduating college, I continued to write while working full-time, took a few workshops, and eventually gathered enough pieces to form a chapbook. Publishing Dream Elevator was a huge milestone for me. Growing up, I never imagined I could be an author. I’m indebted to Sarah, who first believed in me, and to the teachers, friends, and mentors who have encouraged me along the way.

Marisa Lin (she/they) is a Minnesota native and author of DREAM ELEVATOR, published by Kernpunkt Press (2024). In 2023, she was awarded fellowships from UC Berkeley’s Arts Research Center and Roots Wounds Words. Her poems are forthcoming or published in Poetry South, Porter House Review, Cimarron Review, and the Academy of American Poets’ Poem-A-Day series. Marisa graduates in 2024 with a Master’s Degree of Public Policy from UC Berkeley.

Website: marisalin.com

The siege on Gaza is entering its eighth month. In solidarity with a Free Palestine, Marisa Lin created this amazing Divest Israel toolkit.

I am thrilled to feature Marisa Lin who was in WCWW — she is a wonderful writer and presence and I strongly advise checking out her work. She is significant new voice.

If you have any authors you would like to see featured or simply want to see yourself! Please contact me writer@drstephaniehan.com

Keep writing!

~empowering women through narrative~



Asian American Book Club

@drstephaniehan.com Woman. Warrior. Writer. ~empowering women through narrative~