The Afghans are coming.. to Worlds!

Asian Debating
Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2015

by Shoaib a.k.a Kandahar (written and published in December 2013)

in case you forgot where it is. Briefly on the map after 9/11 ..

Having debated and adjudicated in four Worlds, two Australs and five Asian debating championships I always found it difficult to start a normal conversation introducing myself to new people without an awkward/uncomfortable reaction in the beginning.

It usually started with smiles and exchange of pleasantries, and then I stated my name to be Shoaib a.k.a Kandahar, and that I’m from Afghanistan. That’s when you sensed an unease that I have fortunately or unfortunately, gotten used to.

So to break the ice and get people out of their little boxes I almost always followed up with a light and (sometimes) funny conversation about how I don’t actually live in a cave and am not trained in the explosive arts…it was enlightening for them and slightly annoying for me…but what else could I do, as the only Afghan debater I knew at the time, I had to swim against the tide of propaganda saturating the global airwaves (sounds dramatic but it’s true).

I debated for Multimedia University (MMU) Malaysia from 2004 to 2008 and had the honor of representing MMU at local, regional and international intervarsity tournaments. I always dreamt of a day when there would be more Afghans in the world of Debating so people could see us for the diverse, enthusiastic and creative bunch of people we are.

That day is finally upon us.

Afghanistan will be sending a contingent of almost twenty debaters and adjudicators to the Worlds University Debating Championships (WUDC) 2014 held in Chennai, India.

Intervarsity debating started in Afghanistan back in 2009 and has been growing like wild-fire since.

Yes, Afghan Debaters do speak English.

Yes, Afghan Debaters know that one is not supposed to throw objects at the speaker during Points of Information (for the most part).

And Yes, Afghan Debaters are also mostly annoyed when the Leader of Opposition challenges the PM’s definition and we all end up having a mud-wrestling match instead of a debate.

So who are these Afghans you’ll be seeing? Well…it’s a very colorful and interesting group of youngsters.

We have Wasey from the American University of Afghanistan (AUAF) who is the Defending National Champion, is a Business student, runs his own Kabul-based graphic design company, TRI Studios, and also just happens to do online trading at the Foreign Exchange (FOREX) in his free time. This guy can argue the merits of the unification of global currencies, military interventions and why everyone should drive an orange-colored car on Tuesdays in three separate languages…this kid is pretty good at what he does.

Then we have his teammate, Metra, who is a third year Poli-Sci major at the American University of Afghanistan (AUAF). She was a member of the Student Government at AUAF and the lead for many women empowerment related activities. She is tough, eloquent and will make you rethink the image you have of an Afghan Woman. In case any of you meet her in a debate room, I would strongly recommend you choose your words carefully…Metra’s strength and conviction will make Margaret Thatcher look like Britney Spears (no offence to Britney/Thatcher fans).

So there you have it, Afghanistan will be represented through six public and private universities from across the country such as the American University of Afghanistan (AUAF), Kabul University, Herat University, Ibn-i-Sina University, Kabul Polytechnic and Kabul Educational University.

The Afghan Debating circuit will make itself known to the world… as a nation rising from the ashes (drumrolls in the background) we have a lot of energy, enthusiasm and perspective to offer. So watch out people, The Afghans are Coming…to Worlds!

For more info on Debate teams/organizations in Afghanistan check out the links below:

Shoaib a.k.a Kandahar is an ex-debater based in Kabul and spends his free time coaching the debate team at the American University of Afghanistan (AUAF) as well as other Afghan universities. He is a Fulbright Scholar with a Masters from Duke University and Bachelors from MMU Malaysia.

