Train To Busan Movie Review.

This is not going to be a comprehensive movie review for Train To Busan.

Photo by Zorik D on Unsplash

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What the hell can I say about Train To Busan that hasn’t already been said? Whether you love zombie movies or not, you must have heard about Train To Busan by now. If you haven’t, you must be living under a rock or you just don’t watch movies.

Train To Busan is fucking awesome. Train To Busan is fucking amazing. Train To Busan is the best zombie movie in the world.

I said this in a YouTube comment about how Train To Busan is the best zombie movie ever. Of course there are people who disagreed with me. That’s fine.

Train To Busan is not their cup of tea. But I’m not drinking their tea, I am drinking my own. And for me Train To Busan has no equal.

The sequel is absolutely trash if you compare it to its predecessor. It’s hard to believe that it was made by the same team of people.

On its own, Peninsula is an okay zombie movie. But in the Train To Busan universe, it just does not work. It only works as a standalone movie that has absolutely nothing to do with Train To Busan world. There is just no comparison between these two movies.

Getting back to this deliciously great zombie movie, I just can’t praise it enough.

For those among us who don’t know what Train To Busan is, let me give you a quick rundown.

Train To Busan is a 2016 South Korean action horror film directed by Yeon Sang-ho and starring the ever so fine and sexy Gong Yoo.

If you also don’t know who Gong Yoo is, then I highly recommend that you watch him in A Man A Woman. He takes it all off. As well he should. Wish he would get naked on camera again.

Train To Busan mostly takes place on a high-speed train from Seoul to Busan as a zombie apocalypse suddenly breaks out in the country and threatens the safety of the passengers.

Since there is not much I can add except to say one million times how fucking incredible Train To Busan is, I will tell you instead how I came to discover this zombie movie was in existence.

Now I am not new to Korean media. It is almost two decades since I’ve been watching Korean movies and dramas.

One night I was bored and wanted something new to watch. I made up my mind that I wanted to watch something with zombies in it. As one thought lead to another, it finally hit me that I had never seen a Korean movie or drama with zombies.

Therefore I went to good old Google to do some research. And there it was, Train To Busan had come out the previous month and almost slipped right under my radar. My intuition led me to the right place.

I watched the trailer and I was sold. The fact that I realized that Gong Yoo was also in it, was a sweet, added bonus for me. As expected, he acted his ass off.

This is what I wrote in my journal after watching Train To Busan.

13/10/2016 — I watched Train To Busan a few days ago. I have to say it is one of the best zombie movies that I have ever seen. It was emotionally moving. Korea did a great job on this movie. Hopefully there might be a part 2 next year.

All of you need to watch this damn movie, even if you don’t like zombie movies. Get a box of tissue ready, you will need it.


There you have it people. Train To Busan is not going to disappoint you. Watch it at least one time. Then you can come back here and tell me how you feel about the movie.

Here are various places where you can watch Train To Busan.

Amazon Prime.



Frequently Asked Questions.

Is it worth watching Train To Busan?

Yes it most certainly is worth watching even if you are not a hard core lover of zombie movies.

What is the message of the film Train To Busan?

The message in Train To Busan film to me is to love and show the people that you care about how much you love them. Cause you just never know when you could lose that person unexpectedly.

Was Train To Busan hit or flop?

I really don’t care if it was a box office hit or not. It was a definitely hit in Shana Jahsinta Walters’ world. And that’s really what matters. You can’t decide to watch a movie based on box office numbers.

Why Train To Busan is a good movie?

Because Gong Yoo is in it. LOL!!!. But seriously, all the actors did a phenomenally job. Each and every single one of them sold me on the characters they portrayed. Even the actor who played the villain. I hated his ass.

Is there any vulgar scene in Train To Busan?

If by vulgar, you mean sexual, then the answer is no.

Is there a Train To Busan 2?

Yes there is. It is called Peninsula. It won’t blow you away like the original.

What happened to the pregnant lady in Train To Busan 2?

The pregnant lady from Train To Busan does not appear is the sequel Peninsula.

What happened to the survivors of Train To Busan?

They were taken in by the military.

Why did the lady open the door Train To Busan?

I am assuming you are referring to the old lady that opened the door and let in the zombies. She did as revenge for her sister. The villain prevented them from getting the door opened for so long, that the zombies caught her sister at the very last minute. Since they were so close, she was heartbroken about it.

Does Train To Busan have Jumpscares?

Jumpscares are going to depend on you as an individual and how easily you get scared.

Do you think Train To Busan is thrilling?

It is more than thrilling.

Is Train To Busan on Netflix?

I don’t have Netflix, so it is hard for me to say whether Train To Busan is available there. However you can watch it on Amazon Prime. Here are the links.

