BLACK LIVES MATTER: Our pledge to stand in solidarity.

Asian Leaders Alliance
Asian Leaders Alliance
2 min readJun 3, 2020

To the Black community, we see you, we hear you, and we are sorry. With the recent death of George Floyd, and so many more due to the social criminalization of our Black peers, silence is simply not an option. The disturbing footage of Floyd’s death where he gasped, “I can’t breathe,” has marked history as yet another violation of basic human rights anyone from all colors and backgrounds should afford. The systemic racism that the Black community continues to face is unacceptable. We mourn with you; we love you; we will continue to fight with you.

Dr. Martin Luther King had a dream that his four little children will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Needless to say, that dream has yet to surface. Asian Leaders Alliance will step up to work with ERGs and civic organizations to help our community idealize this vision.

We pledge to:

  1. DEMAND justice for George Floyd by calling, writing, and petitioning our officials.
  2. DONATE to Black organizations, particularly those advancing civil rights during this time.
  3. BUY BLACK and invest in Black-owned businesses too.
  4. ENGAGE our friends and families to unravel anti-Black prejudices in the API community.
  5. LEARN how to be an effective bystander in the face of instances of discrimination.
  6. UNDERSTAND the complex history of anti-Black racism nationally and globally
  7. And EDUCATE others on systematic racism and implicit bias.

More than ever, the Black community is counting on us for support. Today, we ask that you join our pledge to stand up + speak up in solidarity.

#BlackLivesMatter #SpeakUpwithALA #ALAStandsUpAgainstRacism #RacismIsAVirus #SpeakTruthToPower #EqualityForAll

**Poster artwork by Monyee Chau, a queer Taiwanese/Cantonese American artist

Also crediting: Color for Change, Asians4RacialJustice, Claire Shaffer/Rolling Stone, Soliel Ho, Letters for Black Lives, and Act.TV.

To learn more about Asian Leaders Alliance, please visit our website.

