AWS Lambda + Kotlin -> Redirector

ASICS Digital
Published in
14 min readSep 20, 2017

Hi, my name is Yoshi. I work for ASICS’s digital and innovation. I joined ASICS, Inc in May, 2017.

Today, I want to introduce our new redirector (haven’t released it, yet, since we have a lot of services!).

Apology if this article is too old. I wrote this entry in July 2017.


  • Basic knowledge of Kotlin, Redirector, AWS Lambda/Gateway, HTTP protocol

Summary of the task

  • Redirect based on HTTP request
  • Status code can be 301, 302, or 5xx
  • Adding location header is required for 301 and 302

AWS Lambda

The reason why we pick AWS Lambda is followings:

  • ASICS and Runkeeper uses AWS in a lot of services
  • AWS Lambda accepts multiple computer languages
  • Huge size of free tier💰


The previous version of the redirector was written in Node.js. So, we can just copy and paste the code and task can be done! However, I don’t see any test codes in the project. Also, we want to change some sort of features of the redirector, which I won’t explain here😉. Therefore, I decided to reimplement the redirector in Kotlin. The following the reason why I pick Kotlin.

  • Runkeeper Engineers mainly use Java and interested to use Kotlin
  • AWS Lambda accepts Java (=Kotlin)
  • Easy to write unit tests
  • AWS Lambda + Java (=Kotlin) is slow at the first request but it doesn’t matter for redirector which is running months without rebooting
  • I am one of Kotlin contributors💪

Create Kotlin project

Create Kotlin project using Intellij. Here is the build.gradle

And then, create a class that AWS Lambda calls. There are some ways to implement this function. In this project, I selected RequestStreamHandler as its interface. I would suggest that whenever you want to change the response header using AWS Gateway+Lambda, you should use this class. I tried RequestHandler and other ways to implement this and wasted a few business days😢

Here is the documentation of request and response information

Based on the documentation, I created a simple class that gets request data from InputStream, convert request data to response data and return response data using OutputStream.

ResponseData class and RequestData class are following. I used Gson to serialize/deserialize JSON.

Output JSON would be the following, when this program wants to redirect with 301 status.

You can take a look for whole project here

In order to create a zip file that will be used later, Run ./gradlew clean build

Setup AWS Lambda

The best source would be official documentation. However, even though they provide GUI, the documentation does not use a lot of images. So, I will explain using images based on July 2017 web pages.

  • Go to AWS Lambda’s list of functions page.
  • Click “Create a Lambda Function” button

Next page would be selecting blueprint, in this example click “Blank Function”

It goes to Configure function page. Most of the setting on this page can be modified later. As a default setting, Node.js 6.10 is selected. Change that to Java8

  • Upload zip file which you created above
  • The handler name is ${}.${}::${} In this example, com.github.shiraji.Redirector::handleRequest

Setting AWS Gateway

Just follow what AWS document

Don’t forget selecting “Use Lambda Proxy Integration”

After deploying AWS Gateway, you can run curl command

That’s it!💯


This is the first server side Kotlin project for me, but because AWS Gateway+Lambda is easy to use, I can develop this redirector smoothly. I would definitely try AWS Lambda when I need to implement light-weight API server.

ASICS Corporation

Since its founding in 1949, ASICS Group has been committed to nurturing the world’s youth through sports in order to contribute to society.
Our vision has been to “Create Quality Lifestyle through Intelligent Sport Technology” and our mission to provide goods and services that promote healthy and fulfilling lifestyles throughout the world.

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  • Kotlin, Redirectorの説明はしません
  • AWS Lambda/Gatewayが何者なのかを知っている
  • HTTP通信の基礎的な知識がある




  • URLごとにリダイレクトする
  • ステータスコードは301, 302, 5xx
  • Locationヘッダーを301, 302の時に追加する

AWS Lambda

AWS Lambdaを選択した理由として

  • ASICSとRunkeeperの多くのサービスでAWSを使っていた
  • AWS Lambdaが複数言語を利用できる
  • 無料枠がデカい💰




  • RunkeeperではJavaがメインで利用されていること
  • AWS LambdaでJavaが使えたこと
  • Unitテストが書きやすいこと
  • Javaは初回起動が遅いが、長時間利用されるため問題なかったこと
  • 自分が担当だったこと💪








ビルド方法は./gradlew clean buildです。zipファイルが出来ます。

これでコーディングは終わりです。楽勝ですね 🙈

AWS Lambdaの設定をする


AWS LambdaのダッシュボードかFunctions一覧に遷移し、Create a Lambda Functionボタンをクリックします。

テンプレートの設定画面になりますが、今回はBlank Functionを選択します。




AWS Gatewayの設定


Use Lambda Proxy Integrationのチェックは忘れずにつけて下さい。

AWS Gatewayをdeployした後、curlコマンドを実行してみるとこのような結果になります。



サーバサイドKotlinを初めて挑戦してみましたが、非常にスムーズに開発が出来ました。AWS Gateway+Lambdaのお手軽さがよかったです。簡単なAPIサーバならこれで対応しちゃうと良いと感じました。



私たちとぜひ一緒に働いてみませんか?興味のある方は にメールを送って下さい。



ASICS Digital
