Talk at DroidKaigi 2018 & Kotlin Nights Kolkata

ASICS Digital
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22 min readMar 22, 2018

I talked at DroidKaigi 2018 (Feb 8) and Kotlin Nights Kolkata (Feb 11)


This post might contain spelling and/or grammatical mistakes, sorry!

How to Kontribute v1

In case, you do not know the talk How to Kontribute, I will give a brief description of the talk. This talk describe how to contribute Kotlin as a coder. It has these topics.

  • Setup (10 min)
  • Communication with developers including how to find issues (5 min)
  • Developing Kotlin Plugin feature (20 min)

If you listen the talk, you are able to kontribute. Actually, after this talk at KotlnConf, there are a few people who started contributing Kotlin.

v1 vs v2

In this time, I updated the talk to v2. The main differences are followings:

  • The sample plugin development features (v1: Inspection/v2: Intention)
  • v2 has how to add comment/document and provide sample code

For plugin feature, I can keep explaining Inspection. but I thought describing Intention can be beneficial for the people who listen my talk.

During the party at KotlinConf, some people asked me 2 questions.

  • Is there easier ways to kontribute?
  • Is there a way to kontribute standard library?

Talking “add comment/document and provide sample code” is the answers for these questions.

DroidKaigi 2018

I talked at DroidKaigi 2018 in Feb 8th.

DroidKaigi is a developer-first Android conference in Japan.

This is the one of my favorite conferences. Hopefully, they will provide Japanese to English translators for people who don’t speak Japanese. Most of slides were written in English. The contents were really solid. I think Japanese Android developers are really talented. They are eager to use/speak new technologies.

The process to the talk

I sent CfP and they accepted it. I think they accepted because I talked KotlinConf😄

The contents of my talk

I talked “How to Kontribute v2”. All of the talk in the same time slots are wonderful so I could not gather many people 😢 However, after the talk, some people gave me wonderful feed back. So, it was ok talk (I’m hoping)

Things I could do better

  • The conference was for not kotlin lovers, but android developers.
  • Added too many codes
  • Fotgot about the fact that Japanese people don’t react during the talk
  • Need more practise

Things I did well

  • Someone who already kontribute before said to me that the slides with Intention codes and sample codes clearly describe what happens
  • I tried new tools for talking

Overall, I can do better but I didn’t loose anything AND now I feel I want to do more!

Kotlin Nights Kolkata

I talked at Kotlin Nights Kolkata in Feb 11th. The location is India🇮🇳!!! (but since I have another schedule, I attended the conference, remotely)

Where is Kolkata?

One of largest cities in India

The process to the talk

After the talk at KotlinConf, I was invited to one of large slack team. At that team, rivuchakraborty offered me to the talk.

When he gave me offer, I was really not sure I can handle the talk. Because…

  • There is DroidKaigi 2018 in Feb 8, 9
  • I won’t be able to go the conference
  • I use body language a lot during my talk
  • My English pronunciation is not that good, so it may be quite hard to understand though the video conference.

I asked him to give me some time to think about.

However, after discussing about this with my wife, I noticed that the purpose of the talk is to increase the number of Kontributors in the world. It’s not right to reject this offer. That was why I decided to give my first remote talk in Kotlin Night Kolkata.

The day before the talk

I was not sure if I can connect to the conference. In this event, we used I first thought it is the same as Google Hangout, but it’s not. The biggest difference is zoom can share my screen AND my face/body. Meaning, I could use my body language during the talk💪. (However, since I could not see the conference room during the event, people who listen my talk may not see my gesture 😆)

Anyway, I confirmed to connect to India using zoom.

Event Day

The talk was 11:00 in Kolkata, 14:30 in Japan.

I was logged in at 14:10 in Japan. The room was already ready for the conference, so as ice break, I talked with the people in the room. After a few minutes, I got really nice surprise from rivuchakraborty. He introduced me a guy who starts contributing kotlin after listening my talk at KotlinConf.

I was so glad to talk with him!

To prevent “howling”, we need to mute the conference room’s voice. It’s one of sad thing, because I want to hear what audience respond during my talk. However, people in the room really respond well without voice. They nodded a lot, raised their hands, and gave me a lot of smile 😃 I was so comfortable to talk to them!

The contents of my talk

It was almost the same as DroidKaigi. I changed the small part.

  • Deleted “Question” slide
  • Remove the point “Beautiful wife/Lovely son”
  • Added “Forgive me” slide

Deleted “Question” slide

One of the biggest disadvantage of video conference I thought was communication. Since my pronunciation was bad and I sometimes misunderstand what people said, I didn’t want to take a time for questions. Instead of that, I asked them ask me through Twitter. To be honest, this was bad idea. No one gave me question after the talk. Also, since people in Kolkata are really friendly, I should not be afraid of miscommunication.

Remove the point “Beautiful wife/Lovely son”

A few years ago, one TV show said that some south-east Asia countries don’t accept a husband admire his wife or family. I really don’t remember which counties the TV show talking about. India is one of south-east Asia countries. I really don’t want to act as a rude person in this conference because I was one of representatives of Japan. Since I was not sure about this, I deleted this point from my introduction.

By the way, people in Kolkata, is this rude if I say “My wife is really beautiful and my kid is really lovely. I love my family” during the talk? (Now I start thinking the TV shows was fake news.)

Added “Forgive me” slide

Since I noticed some contents may act as a rude person, I thought I should add this slide. I added this slide just before 1 hour the talk starts.

India and Japan has a lot of similarity. We both love curry🍛! Some people already watched my talk in KotlinConf. I know people in Kolkata forgive me if I accidentally insult their culture. However, as for Japanese, I had to do this. But if I have a chance to talk next time, I won’t add this slide 😉

After this talk

This was the first remote conference that no friends listening in front of me. I thought this might be the touch talk but after the talk, this was one of my best talk. I think people in Kolkata’s kindness make me feel so. They are so nice.

Talk from my home was also one of good thing. It was Sunday. I have a kid who really want to play around with me. If I went to India or even Shinjuku (where DroidKaigi held. Took me 45 mins from my home), I would not be able to go park with my kid after the conference.

I made a talk to people in Kolkata. I didn’t know anything about Kolkata. However, now I am thinking at some point in my life, I would definitely visit there and eat curry!!! Thanks guys for having me at Kotlin Night Kolkata. Thank you!

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— End of English part ここから日本語—

DroidKaigi & Kotlin Nights Kolkataで登壇させてもらったので、それについて書いてみます。

How to Kontribute v1

今回の登壇の説明の前に、How to Kontributeについて。ざっくり説明すると、KotlinのOSSのコードによった貢献方法の説明です。

  • Setup(10min)
  • コミュニケーション方法, Issueの探し方(5min)
  • 実際にプラグイン開発(20min)


v1 vs v2


  • プラグイン開発例がv1はInspectionの開発。v2はIntentionの開発
  • v2にだけドキュメント追加手順、サンプルコード追加手順と言った初心者向けのKontribute方法を説明

また、KotlinConfでもパーティの時にもっと簡単にコントリビュート出来ないのか?standard libraryにコントリビュート出来ないのか?という質問があり、それの回答としてサンプルコードでの貢献について説明しました。

DroidKaigi 2018

2/8にDroidKaigiで登壇しました。エモ散らは こちら へ。








  • 聞いてくれるターゲットユーザ層がKotlin開発者ではなく、Android開発者であった
  • それにしてはコードの説明が多すぎた
  • 日本人は反応が薄いことを失念してしまった
  • 練習不足



  • 前提知識がある人からはIntentionと実際のコードのどこのことを伝えているのかを同時に説明したことによりより明確に何をしているのかが伝えられた。
  • 道具を使ったり、導入を工夫したりといくつか新しい挑戦が出来た


Kotlin Nights Kolkata

2/11にKotlin Nights Kolkataで登壇しました。場所はインドです!






How to Kontributeの目標は、世界中にKontributorを増やすことです。


DroidKaigiが終わり、一通りKotlin Nightsの準備も終わり、さぁ明日だ!と思ったのですが、そもそも接続確認とかしてなかったので、ビデオカンファレンスで利用したいと言われていた の接続確認を試みました。

このサービス非常に良かったです。Google Hangoutと同じかな?と思ったのですが、画面共有をしつつ、自分の映像も引き続き見せることが出来るため、スライドの説明をしつつ、自分のジェスチャーを利用することが出来ました。(ただし、会場がどうなっているかわからなかったので、見えていたかは不明です😆)










  • 質問スライドを削除した
  • Beautiful wife/Lovely sonを省略した
  • Forgive meスライドを追加した



Beautiful wife/Lovely sonを削除した


ちなみに代わりにI really love Butter Chicken Curry!!!というアイスブレイクネタを入れました。

Forgive meスライドを追加した








私たちとぜひ一緒に働いてみませんか?興味のある方は にメールを送って下さい。



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