How Could ‘Pseudoscience’ Succeed with 8 Million Viewers In a Year

When an ‘anonymous’ series on Youtube just became an epidemic with millions views organically.

7 min readJul 3, 2017


The authority will claim: pseudo science. While, rest of majority thought the same way about the reality of flat earth. At first as normal people did, we gonna mocking at flat earhthers. Nevermind, since they are still asleep.

At this point, i hereby to convey the study case as digital metrics perspective. Without having an obligation on debate — argue between the geocentric against heliocentric. FYI.

Unfortunately we’ve been educated without having critical thinking by searching more and rethinking.

Carl Jung statement was clear enough to describe today’s society:

But now largely different story, within a year: the series on Youtube has resulted more than 8,895,455 VIEWS with 70,783 SUBSCRIBERS.

If vox populi vox dei appeared as representation of people affirmation around quantity of numbers, are we accidentally dropped down into stupidity in terms of science and rational thinking?

I don’t think so.

No matter what, it’s just a common sense, a sense with people consideration, that we agree to deny the authority also filled with imperfection.
Authority has so many agendas, time by time forward. Until today.

Twelve series had made spectacular an ‘organic’ numbers:

The estimated revenue is null, no revenue at all.

In last 27 days, subscribers were joined around 5K++.

Last videos is currently increase at 200K VIEWS by today.

The anonymous behind of Bossdarling’s effect.

We knew many times the wikileaks by Assange, or an anynomous figures we found on internet had predicted many issues are relevant, then reveal the truth in the end.

Labelled as Bossdarling as username on Youtube channel. He gradually awakening a large number of youth people by his dozen series of videos. He provoked — disrupted our comfort zone which burried on head surface.

Abundantly trapped into bunch of heliocentric theories. He uncovered tons of unproven claimed on it. Arguably.

He showed rows of logical fallacy in order to explained — argued the heliocentrics was full of pseudo, synchronity and theoritical science.

Included few motives and political reasons behind of the agendas, the masterplan. Across the time of civilization.

And it’s not just a bollocks conspiracy theories as authority accused.

Besides million views with thousands subscribers, another fascinating achievement was became on top five flat earth’s chann”My enemies have been so successful in portraying me as a poet and a visionary,” said Tesla, “that I must put out something commercial without delay.”el.

Catch up others channels flat earth masters (with all our respect), who’d been there more than a year establishment.

Started with ZERO before Millions

Zero means no paid cost at all during the results achieved.

Zero Monetization. We didn’t spent any bills to get more attention by ads — paid media things.

Zero Obligation. There’s no obligation or special mandatory on videos: pushing the subscribe’s button below his content.

Ranked on Google Trend

Google also recorded my country has been ranked on first position on flat earth topics. As i attach below per today, 12 May 2017.

The Duo Facebook

Our previous groups had been hijacked by noisemakers. The agents Smith who felt bothered by the truth.

In less than a year, we owned by developed our flat earth groups: Indonesian Flat Earth Society and Indonesian Flat Earth Community.

Both of those have total members joined approximately in 17K.

More serious on FE101.

Same as on facebook group, our first freesite was defaced. There’s no other way: in a day we need to build the new one, then it’s done!

I just took the numbers this morning, using similarweb, to define general site metrics:

Our current referral site on social media channels, mostly in 54.75 percents was coming from Youtube. Followed with Facebook in second row.

Aligned with others channel, the numbers also grown by 3.625 members registered.

With average thread per day by 17 thread. Resulted 145 average posts per day.

We try to get closer on mobile chat.

Indonesian famously known as friendly — warmness culture as our natural habit from we were born.

Thousand islands with hundreds local languange, made us heterogen. Thus, we try to nurture an unique friends who are seriously learn on the topics into whatsapp groups.

We have each group at each regional. Combined with 2 national groups as major groups, with 256 users joined at each. And also one official Telegram with large users added feature.

I was also invited on citizen journalism #vlog on GeoTimes. Throw out the correct perspective on flat earth.

And others social channels on Instagram, Twitter and free blogs.

The Gleason Map “as it is”.

So, What’s The Point?

Do we entering the dark age of civilization? with many viewers — people interestes in issue?

Neither conversely, people are trying to figure out the truth beneath the science words?

We won’t claim for the absolutism. Since the history was written by the victors, said Roosevelt.

Are we transforming into stupidity?

Personally, we are not. If vox populi vox dei was failed to reflect majority thought upon others: then the 8 million viewers was not achieved since few days the latest video has been published.

How about if i claim, the people are waking up! When we realized soon — later: the authority contains bunch of anomalies on their theoritical science.

Time to wake up, The People Power.

Morpheus suggests Neo to wake up. The red pills or the blue one?, one of those are shifting his unconscious mind to awaken.

People will less attention, for something doesn’t make sense; if the flat earth logic was pseudo’s.

People will consider by their rationale thinking, the flat earth is psy op. But it didn’t happen, since the authority failed to proof in reality by using their own scientific method: real experiment.

Have a look for last series of part B. The Anonymous confirmed in how they described the flat earth issues with simple common sense.

It won’t hold longer in certain period of time if the issues are cheesy:

“I assure you, that there is a reason for this.
If the flat earth theory did not have any merit, it would have lasted more than a month in the web” — Anonymous.

We should no longer believe — trust the authority easily.

Lets have a look what Carl Sagan mentioned on his Baloney Detection Kit. For what he aimed to:

Necessary cognitive fortification against propaganda, pseudoscience, and general falsehood. — Carl Sagan.

Meanwhile, we’re unable to define clearly what’s the exact meaning of pseudo against real science.

Pseudoscience advances a hypothesis which might appear to be scientific at first glance, but when investigated, has some or all of the following characteristics: Lacks supporting evidence

Tesla said the same way we found, about theoritical science.

The Serbian who invented many of hundreds science invention, Nicola Tesla.

He told about current phenomenon on scientist.

Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.”

The complex formulation described on math was dismatched with reality. In large amount of theoritical science as basic cornerstone of theories methods.

Ad hoc hypothesis have been claimed for covering previous theory with bunch of synchronity.

Ad hoc hypothesizing is compensating for anomalies not anticipated by the theory in its unmodified form. In order to save it from being falsified.

The gravity, is one of many theoritical science existed. What’ve found in real life, is totally dismatched — irrelevant against the simply law of nature: waters always level, and impossible to be curved.

We appreciate the enlightenment of science towards today civilization. But we refuse that scientism as our main cornerstone of unsolving nature’s issues. By new format of ‘playing the God’.

Since the omnipresence was special belong to the almighty God.

The earth is flat, immovable and the centre of universe. And we living in geocentric’s model; where the sun — moon rotate around the earth.

Earth is the centre of universe. Special by purely intention by him. Not just ‘bang’ coincidence.

Hail #PeoplePower

And one more thing…

A great message by Mr. Scientist guy, Bill Nye.

He told to stay here, don’t go anywhere else, since the system has been closed. He wisely concluded:

“One thing i really want your generation to embrace, It’s that the earth close system, we cannot leave the earth, there’s no place to go…..”




an ambivert. the black swan. independent journalist who struggle to reality. orwellian