Day 3 —Gøteborg & Why we travel

Asis Panda
Asis’s Travel Diaries
4 min readNov 22, 2016

The best people

The best people I’ve met till date in Sweden were people on the bus. Before that though, my day started like this:

Dressed for the cold but amazing day. Stockholm’s really getting the best of fashion out of me.

On the agenda for the day was to visit a science museum followed by a 3hr boat tour of the archipelagoes surrounding Stockholm. Sweden has 30,000+ of them.

Tekniska Museet

On my way to the museum I took the bus, which was unusually packed. However, I started talking with the lady sitting beside me who was extremely warm and nice. She was excited for her day as she was going to participate in a choir. She was excited about meeting the choir and singing on a day which was not in their regular schedule. I could see her passion oozing out. We chatted about other things and life in Stockholm and the snow storm the week before. She got down at her stop only for another gentleman to take her spot. This guy was 50ish and struck a conversation too. Turned out we were going to the same place. He worked at the museum’s top ffloor as a HAM radio operator. He started explaining everything about the museum and other places around the museum. We saw each other off at the ticket counter where he picked up the keys to his office with hopes of us meeting again on his floor. Sadly, I couldn’t make it because the archipelago tour was due.

The pirate bay tshirt and an interactive art installation that made a live potrait with flies on the TV.

Archipelago Tour

This was another great decision on my part to do in Stockholm. When I got onboard the boat I was lucky to get myself a spot in their restaurant. The food was going to be a three course meal. I’ll let the photos speak for the tour.

Flight to Gøteborg

Getting to Gøteborg was as interesting as my night would turn out to be. I was flying Norwegian air, Europe’s best budget airlines, and it was indeed different. To start with one had to do everything by themselves. I checked the bags in and attached the baggage tags myself! I have never done that before.

I attached the baggage tag to the bag by myself. On the right, the lights of the new 737 flight.

Surprise! 10PM is in Gøteborg

I got to the hostel and was a bit disappointed by the hostel. After all the hostel in Stockholm was top notch. Then it was raining, and I was yet to grab dinner. I had no umbrella and thought I could “wing it” trying to find dinner. Everything was closed, I had to run a mile in rain only to learn that this restaurant was also closing. Anyways, Uber saved the day, I got myself one and navigated to the nearest 7 Eleven. I got food there, came back to the hostel to relish it and goto sleep.

It was an interesting change of diet. Going from amaizng to 7 Eleven.

I have to say though, I had no complain. Or, I learnt to have no complains. Life was till good, I was still able to afford, acquire and eat my food. I still had a roof over my head. I had a moment of introspection where I consciously burst my bubble and realized how good things still are. And that’s why we travel.

