Why Can’t Y’all Stay Out Of My Lane?

Ew, Boy, go away.

April Hawkins, Ask A Bitchface
Ask A Bitchface


I’m beyond aggravated this morning. Why? Not my usual, Bitchface with a purpose, type of reasons. No, this morning it’s because I have had some lame dude trying to video chat with me for the last 4 hours, despite the fact that I immediately decline and exit the app.

3 different times, and by the third, I had enough of the bullshit. He is now comfortably on the blocked list, exactly where this lame ass dude should be. Here’s the background on this moron: we had a few mutual friends, several from my old bartending scene, so I figured he was either a patron or kitchen staff at one place or another that I’ve been known to sling a drink. I accept his friend request, and continue on with my shameless self-promotion, the same as any other time I’m on social media platforms.

Then, cue the ringing. It’s the dude, and it’s 3 am. Unacceptable. Even people I have known my whole life know that if you call me without warning, you’re not getting picked up. It doesn’t happen. Essentially, if you’re not BMan, or someone I consider family, your ass is not getting through. Message whatever you think is so important you have to stare me in the face while you tell me about it.

So, directly behind the call I just put the nix on, he’s sending me the “hey beautiful” bullshit. Um…no. Absolutely not…



April Hawkins, Ask A Bitchface
Ask A Bitchface

Author. Columnist. Activist. Poet basically since birth. Defender of dogs and underdogs, follow me on Substack: askabitchface@substack.com