How To Find the Right Teacher for Your Child’s Swim Lessons

Personality matters here, a lot. Your child’s and your teachers.

Jessica Yanez
Ask a Swim Teacher


Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

Finding the right swim teacher for your child’s personality.

The Wallflower (timid and shy) you’ll want a teacher who is quiet, nurturing, motherly (men can be “motherly” too) and NOT overly firm. You want them to set boundaries and push for success without demanding success. Someone who can cheer them on without scaring them.

The Energizer Bunny (loud and playful) you’ll want a teacher who balances playtime and structure. It's important for this personality type to have fun — too many rules can and they can shut down, but not enough structure and you’re going to be wasting your money paying someone to play with your kid sans the learning.

The Kid Who Loves To Say “No (stubborn and independent) you’ll need a teacher who cans set boundaries and stick to them but can provide a lot of positive encouragement. These kids need to feel a sense of control in their lessons. Teachers who can give students room to choose how the lesson is run while still accomplishing what they (the teacher) wants to accomplish is ideal.

Observe, observe, observe.



Jessica Yanez
Ask a Swim Teacher

Just an Adam Sandler mom trying to be a put together mom. Writer | Philosophical Thinker | Autodidact