Give Me a Tip or I’ll Never Write Another Word on Medium Again

You think I’m bluffing?

Roz Warren, Writing Coach
Ask an Editor
Published in
3 min readOct 29, 2022


Photo by JustStartInvesting on Unsplash

Instead of paying writers more money, Medium recently provided us with a little feature we could add to our stories that asked readers to give us a tip if they liked our work.

Suddenly, we weren’t writers. We were baristas!

If you enjoy the way I made this latte — I mean essay — please throw a little money in my virtual tip jar!

Having been on the platform since February 2019 and having published 677 essays here, I quickly slapped that little gimme gizmo on all of them, and waited for the money to pour in.


So I wrote a mocking essay about the fact that the gimme gizmo was an abject failure and suggested that instead of asking us all to beg for spare change maybe Medium could consider paying us more.

My fellow writers responded with a flood of comments about the fact that the gimme gizmo wasn’t working for them either.



Roz Warren, Writing Coach
Ask an Editor

Writing Coach and Editor Roz Warren ( will help you improve and publish your work.