Want To Buy Me a Cup of Coffee?

I Didn’t Think So

Roz Warren, Writing Coach
Ask an Editor
Published in
3 min readAug 23, 2020


Photo by Allie on Unsplash

As every Medium writer knows, the point of being a creative writer is money.

Getting some, and then getting even more, and then getting buckets more, until you’re driving your new Tesla to the marina where your yacht lives so you can boat over to your second home on a remote island.

So how does a writer achieve this goal?

We could achieve it by writing work that is so outstanding that publishers will fight with each other to offer us lucrative book contracts.

Or? We can beg for cash.

Many Medium Writers seek to augment the pennies that are pouring in for their Medium Masterpieces by adding a link to the bottom of each post, asking readers to buy them a cup of coffee.

Does this even work? Has anybody in the history of Medium ever bought another writer a latte in this fashion?

I mean, why on earth would they? It involves being detoured to a website and using their credit card, which will then lead to their receiving endless spam, and probably having all their data sucked up.

Why would you risk that? Just to encourage a writer to think that their work is worth more than the two cents they’ve already earned from the fact that…



Roz Warren, Writing Coach
Ask an Editor

Writing Coach and Editor Roz Warren ( will help you improve and publish your work.