Tickling Fetish — What Is It, and How to Sexually Tickle Your Partner
Welcome to Domina’s Guide to Tickling Fetish and Sexual Tickling!
The official terminology for tickling fetishism is known as knismolagnia (or knismophilia or titillagnia[i]) which is sexual arousal derived from tickling someone or the sensation of being tickled themselves.[ii] Knismolagnia, comes from Knismesis, which is a light form of tickling like when a bug tickles the hairs on your arms, whereas gargalesis[iii] is the term for heavy tickling, which is intended to produce laughter.
Tickle — is to give pleasure or gratify.
Tickling is a harmless practice that most of us have enjoyed innocently as infants and children, with games like “This little piggy”, and “Tickle Monster”.
As teens and young adults, tickling fights are often part of our introduction to playful touch as a sexual gateway to flirting, feeling up your girlfriend or fondling a newfound crush.
Tickling can be a fun way to become intimate with someone, to touch, to tease and to flirt.
Tickling can be very childlike, amusing, exciting, and even erotic to some. To others it can be your worst nightmare, or even used as a punishment.