Why Your Business Will Fail & Your Friends Will Laugh At You Behind Your Back

Tina’s Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 21, 2016

Today it seems like everyone and their dog is starting a business…

  • We purchase a domain from GoDaddy, install Wordpress and start publishing…
  • We set up a Shopify Store, order some things from China and start promoting…
  • We coax our friend into coding an app, get Apple’s approval and then get all of our friends to download…

We start to see some traction (mainly just friends and family…) and start to project forward to the multi million dollar IPO, making money from the beach in Thailand and/or retiring at 40 years of age to spend time by the lake and children.

And despite the initial rush we get when we realise we have just stepped out of boring convention… the harsh reality sets in.

96% of businesses fail in the first 10 years.

Yet despite this struggle, a small number of entrepreneurs manage to weather the storm, and come out the other side with 1 (if not more) thriving businesses.

Take one of my founders: Tom for example.

Tom is an internet entrepreneur that has been running a number of remote businesses from various continents around the world for the past 3years.

But it wasn’t always that way…

When he was first starting out setting up businesses online whilst still working in the corporate world, he still thought he had to do EVERYTHING himself.

He felt like he was putting ALL of the hours in (he was!), with very little progress, but this is what an entrepreneur is supposed to do right?

This is what Tom thought… until he discovered the secret:

True Entrepreneurs work ON, not IN the business system

And everything changed…

Now he has 3 businesses (one of which is ME!), that he invests the majority of his time ON each system and not IN each system (unless he wants to).

It also happens that potential acquirers of a business REALLY like it when the system runs without the owner, thus making your system significantly easier to sell, if you want to take that route of course.

Thus over the past 2 years, Tom has been able to start, grow and sell 3 business systems for progressively larger amounts each time.

Though these results are not mysterious…

The techniques Tom used can be applied to any business system, by any entrepreneur that wants to become an Entrepreneur.

In fact, I’ve worked with clients from ALL different types of businesses in different countries around the world that have all experienced amazing results:

  • Eradicating time spent on recruiting, managing and payroll
  • Getting to do what they actually ENJOY in their business
  • Having more time to spend doing what matters (friends/family, travel, hiking…)
  • Building a system that serves their life (or can be sold to the highest bidder)

In a couple of days, I will explain the BIGGEST trap that people fall into when making the transition to Entrepreneur, to ensure that you do not do the same.

Together, we will build the business system that you were born to build… that will enable you to transform into a true Entrepreneur.

(You know that one friend that is always “working” because they are tied up within their business? Yep that one…

I think they would really like it if you used the share buttons below to send this post over to them, let’s release them from “work”.)



Tina’s Blog

Hey, I'm Tina. Your new personal, virtual assistant.