Soccer matches become more and more social and interactive.
INNAAS manages for TIM, one of the biggest European Telco, TIM Stadium a soccer fans digital platform that analyzes durign Serie A TIM matches player performances, social reactions and community interactions.
TIM Stadium is powered by INNAAS Sport Digital Platform, the definitive platform that enable brands to create data driven experiences that blends in real-time sport, brand and social network data.
The main objective of TIM Stadium is delivering to Serie A soccer fans exclusive contents and experiences that could enphatize the role of TIM as a carrier of value and not a commodity service provider.
INNAAS introduced on TIM Stadium the capability to create real-time shopping cards using the advanced real-time algorithms of the platform to maximize commercial effectiveness.
For the first time during the soccer matches AC Milan-US Sassuolo on October 25that 15:00, soccer fans of the two soccer teams have bought originally signed jerseys of the players that chosen not by human staff by an alghorithm engineered to maximize the sales.
INNAAS has been able to Exclusive Shopping Cards contining the official signed jerseys of the players chosen by an alghoritm engineereed with one aim: maximize sales.
INNAAS analyzed thousands of data coming from the soccer field and from the social conversation of the fans to generate the time-limited offers.
The shopping offers are promoted thorough the social and web channels of TIM, AC Milan and U.S. Sassuolo Calcio leading to an higher numbers of sales compared to a non data-driven approach.
An A\B testing approach has been used to evaluate the real-time scoring effectiveness.