Is it the Matrix, really?

Sam Roy
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2019

No. It’s just complicated.

The one thing they want, corrupt people in positions of power, is a voting population lacking information and critical thinking (not to be confused with common sense).

We all “feel” that “something” is wrong with the “system”.

I sure do, and I’ve been like this since I’m a teenager; must be the Matrix. You have to move beyond those feelings and understand profoundly how the world goes ‘round, learning about history, politics, the economy, social issues, and even science, technology, philosophy, basically matters (subjects) that allow you to create sufficient neurological connections to perform at higher levels of “consciousness” (my way of sayin’ being woke ppl).

Today, more than ever, the cure to avoiding hearsay, conspiracies, “fake news” and all these displays of ignorance is adequate and accurate knowledge.

Then, critical thinking, “the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment.”, needs to be taught to children, and as adults, requires a will and effort to maintain.

Of course, as humans, we should learn to evolve together, from generation to generation. But it is not happening that way. Let me ask this question. What good is it if I know something and I don’t share it with you?

“If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide from yourself”
~ George Orwell

Sure, my “secret”, possibly allows me to gain an advantage over you, economically and socially. And I’ve done it. We all have. I teach martial arts and I’m a computer hacker, I known some stuff you don’t and that’s how I sell my services. Alternatively, since I teach, it has done wonders to help deepen my knowledge.

On a larger scale, the practice of intellectual property is nefarious. The unjust pharmaceutical system is among the worst examples.

We would not have the internet without free (as in freedom) thinkers. It becomes imperative to understand that success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life. It’s about what you inspire others to do.

A person with a sincere ethical obligation, understands that, just because you could get away with something doesn’t mean you’re entitled to morally.

We live within a culturally created consensus of the nature of reality. We’re biased to preserve our sense of rightness. Today, “fake news” and “alternative facts” has amplified our cognitive biases.

Repeat after me. The cure is knowledge that destroys our ignorance. You will feel liberated and empowered.

Be good folks!

