Short Heartfelt Opinion on Headlines.

Sam Roy
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2019

I posted this on Facebook a few years ago, edited for today…


It’s arrogant at best and criminally irresponsible to voice opinions and react impulsively when being so far removed from an ongoing issue that has depth requiring an equal amount of understanding.

Ignorance is dangerous , we seem to all agree, because we are all equally smart (read into the sarcasm… but appreciate it’s truth).

It’s been more than minute, you done?

Just a funny chart for the easily offended.

No, for instance, we could spend more time, on social networks, searching for interesting conversations rather than entertainin’ posts. Of course I’m sure you do, right?!

Furthermore, it’s perilous to identify personally with public figures such as political leaders and celebrities, for example, because they will disappoint you, although it may be unrelated to their discipline. This blind faith (already an oxymoron IMHO) leads to polarized views, ergo extremists narrow perspectives…

Now, when you MIX IGNORANCE & EXTREMISM, you start #WARS and #REAL people die.

For you it is ink on a paper’s news headline or pixels on a screen.

Look at #Syria, it is NOT a playground for ideological debates, it is the reflection of our #humanity… give peace a chance?!

And now, Alabama governor invokes God in banning nearly all abortions.

Be good & have a nice day.

